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  • Will Bainbridge's avatar
    ENH: semiPermeableBaffle: Added two new boundary conditions and a tutorial · 1bf31fb9
    Will Bainbridge authored and Andrew Heather's avatar Andrew Heather committed
    Two boundary conditions for the modelling of semi-permeable baffles have
    been added. These baffles are permeable to a number of species within
    the flow, and are impermeable to others. The flux of a given species is
    calculated as a constant multipled by the drop in mass fraction across
    the baffle.
    The species mass-fraction condition requires the transfer constant and
    the name of the patch on the other side of the baffle:
        // ...
            type            semiPermeableBaffleMassFraction;
            samplePatch     membranePipe;
            c               0.1;
            value           uniform 0;
            type            semiPermeableBaffleMassFraction;
            samplePatch     membraneSleeve;
            c               0.1;
            value           uniform 1;
    If the value of c is omitted, or set to zero, then the patch is
    considered impermeable to the species in question. T...