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  • Chris Greenshields's avatar
    Template case files to help general setup of OpenFOAM cases · 1cb71518
    Chris Greenshields authored
    The templates include a stategy to simplify meshing with snappyHexMesh,
    particularly to help generate an initial mesh quickly that can subsequently be
    improved.  The templates are setup to enable rapid initial simulations, typically
    with simpleFoam.  The initial templates cover simple inflow-outflow and closed
    domains, including rotating geometry, and an example axisymmetric flow.  For
    more details, consult the README file accompanying each template case.
    The cases are located in $FOAM_ETC/templates
To learn more about this project, read the wiki.
+ This is a template case with single inlet and outlet
+ Setup to run the simpleFoam solver
+ The case is designed to be meshed with snappyHexMesh
+ snappyHexMesh is setup to use a single trisurface file named CAD.obj
+ Copy the CAD.obj file to the constant/triSurface directory
+ The CAD.obj should contain an inlet and outlet region to create the relevant
  patches in the mesh

Background Mesh
+ The user should establish the bounds of their CAD.obj file
+ The blockMeshDict file contains a backgroundMesh subditionary
+ Set xMin, xMax, etc to be beyond the CAD.obj bounds
+ Set background mesh density with xCells, yCells, zCells
+ Run blockMesh

Background Mesh (alternative)
+ The user can adopt the background mesh patches in the mesh
+ For example, the background mesh can provide external patches of an external
+ An alternative blockMeshDict file is set up for this: blockMeshDict.extPatches
+ Simply copy blockMeshDict.extPatches to blockMeshDict and edit inlet, outlet
  patches accordingly

Castellated Mesh
+ In the snappyHexMeshDict file, replace <inletPatch> with the name of the inlet
  region in the CAD.obj file
+ Replace <outletPatch> with the name of the outlet region
+ run snappyHexMesh to obtain a castellatedMesh
+ Review the mesh; modify refinement levels and regenerate the mesh as required
  (levels are set in refinementSurfaces and refinementRegions)

Snapped Mesh
+ In snappyHexMeshDict, set castellatedMesh off; snap on;
+ Run the snapping phase of snappyHexMesh
+ Review the mesh

+ To add layers to the mesh along wall boundary patches...
+ Switch on addLayers; switch snap off;
+ Run snappyHexMesh
+ The number of layers can be changed by modifying nSurfaceLayers

+ In the field files in the 0 directory, set inlet values
+ For example, in 0/U, set the inlet velocity Uinlet
+ Set the viscosity in constant/transportProperties