- Nov 16, 2015
mattijs authored
- Nov 10, 2015
mattijs authored
- Nov 09, 2015
mattijs authored
functionObjects only get detroyed when the runTime gets destroyed. So the mesh is already destroyed and we cannot hold e.g. a volScalarField since that will try to 'checkOut' from the objectRegistry(=mesh) upon destruction. Note that we only see this in chtMultiRegionFoam.
mattijs authored
This bc was in compressible turbulence library which made it dependent on liquidProperties. It was moved to a separate library since it is only used in a single tutorial.
Andrew Heather authored
Feature snappy hex mesh gap refinement Adding automatic gap refinement capability See merge request !2
Andrew Heather authored
Feature snappy hex mesh It's got all of the VW snappyHexMesh developments in it. Not yet the automatic-gap refinement. See merge request !1
- Nov 03, 2015
sergio authored
ENH: Adding humidityTemperatureCoupledMixed BC and directionalPressureGradientExplicitSource and the corresponding tutorial tutorials/heatTransfer/chtMultiRegionFoam/windshieldCondensation
mattijs authored
mattijs authored
mattijs authored
mattijs authored
Original fix (http://www.openfoam.org/mantisbt/view.php?id=1780) did an increment to create a new communicator. This might access the communicator-to-mpi_structure tables in PstreamGlobals.H outside range. Instead allocate and release communicator.
- Nov 02, 2015
mattijs authored
- Oct 30, 2015
mattijs authored
- Oct 28, 2015
mattijs authored
mattijs authored
mattijs authored
Initial implementation. Still goes wrong on r1 == r2.
mattijs authored
- shoot rays to nearest point on surface and two perpendicular rays (instead of always shooting in the 3 coordinate directions) - avoid bleeding through the surface intersection
mattijs authored
mattijs authored
1. multi-ray shooting. It now shoots rays in all the 3 coordinate directions from the cell centre. Before it would shoot just a single ray from the nearest point on the surface, going through the cell centre. There is a cost overhead in that now it shoots 6 rays (+-x, +-y, +-z) instead of just 1. 2. bleeding of refinement. It marks the cells inside a gap and walks out the gap-size to neighbouring cells (which are just outside the gap). This should make for a smoother refinement pattern.
mattijs authored
mattijs authored
mattijs authored
- Oct 26, 2015
mattijs authored
Merge branch 'feature-snappyHexMesh' of develop.openfoam.com:Development/OpenFOAM-dev-OpenCFD into feature-snappyHexMesh
mattijs authored
The start of the layer addition loop does a synchronisation of the wanted displacement. This also does a truncation of the displacement if it is < minThickness. At the first iteration the displacement was initialised to vector::one which might trigger the truncation logic (and then disable extrusion altogether). Instead we now initialise the displacement to vector::GREAT before entering the synchronisation.
- Oct 21, 2015
Andrew Heather authored
Andrew Heather authored
Andrew Heather authored
- Oct 19, 2015
Henry Weller authored
Resolves bug-report http://www.openfoam.org/mantisbt/view.php?id=1792
Henry Weller authored
The built-in explicit symplectic integrator has been replaced by a general framework supporting run-time selectable integrators. Currently the explicit symplectic, implicit Crank-Nicolson and implicit Newmark methods are provided, all of which are 2nd-order in time: Symplectic 2nd-order explicit time-integrator for 6DoF solid-body motion: Reference: Dullweber, A., Leimkuhler, B., & McLachlan, R. (1997). Symplectic splitting methods for rigid body molecular dynamics. The Journal of chemical physics, 107(15), 5840-5851. Can only be used for explicit integration of the motion of the body, i.e. may only be called once per time-step, no outer-correctors may be applied. For implicit integration with outer-correctors choose either CrankNicolson or Newmark schemes. Example specification in dynamicMeshDict: solver { type symplectic; } Newmark 2nd-order time-integrator for 6DoF solid-body motion: Reference: Newmark, N. M. (1959). A method of computation for structural dynamics. Journal of the Engineering Mechanics Division, 85(3), 67-94. Example specification in dynamicMeshDict: solver { type Newmark; gamma 0.5; // Velocity integration coefficient beta 0.25; // Position integration coefficient } Crank-Nicolson 2nd-order time-integrator for 6DoF solid-body motion: The off-centering coefficients for acceleration (velocity integration) and velocity (position/orientation integration) may be specified but default values of 0.5 for each are used if they are not specified. With the default off-centering this scheme is equivalent to the Newmark scheme with default coefficients. Example specification in dynamicMeshDict: solver { type CrankNicolson; aoc 0.5; // Acceleration off-centering coefficient voc 0.5; // Velocity off-centering coefficient } Both the Newmark and Crank-Nicolson are proving more robust and reliable than the symplectic method for solving complex coupled problems and the tutorial cases have been updated to utilize this. In this new framework it would be straight forward to add other methods should the need arise. Henry G. Weller CFD Direct
Henry Weller authored
Ur can be generated using a functionObject or in the post-processor
- Oct 17, 2015
Henry Weller authored
Resolves bug-report http://www.openfoam.org/mantisbt/view.php?id=1868
Henry Weller authored
Resolves bug-report http://www.openfoam.org/mantisbt/view.php?id=1870
Henry Weller authored
Resolves bug-report http://www.openfoam.org/mantisbt/view.php?id=1872
- Oct 15, 2015
Andrew Heather authored
Refinement: ----------- // Optionally avoid patch merging - keeps hexahedral cells // (to be used with automatic refinement/unrefinement) //mergePatchFaces off; // Optional multiple locationsInMesh with corresponding optional cellZone // (automatically generates faceZones inbetween) locationsInMesh ( ((-0.09 -0.039 -0.049) bottomAir) // cellZone bottomAir ((-0.09 0.009 -0.049) topAir) // cellZone topAir ); // Optional faceType and patchType specification for these faceZones faceZoneControls { bottomAir_to_topAir { faceType baffle; } } / Optional checking of 'bleeding' of mesh through a specifying a locations // outside the mesh locationsOutsideMesh ((0 0 0)(12.3 101.17 3.98)); // Improved refinement: refine all cells with all (or all but one) sides refined // Improved refinement: refine all cells with opposing faces with different // refinement level. These cells can happen on multiply curved surfaces. // Default on, can be switched off with //interfaceRefine false; Snapping -------- // Optional smoothing of points at refinement interfaces. This will reduce // the non-orthogonality at refinement interfaces. //nSmoothInternal $nSmoothPatch; Layering -------- // Layers can be added to patches or to any side of a faceZone. // (Any faceZone internally gets represented as two patches) // The angle to merge patch faces can be set independently of the // featureAngle. This is especially useful for large feature angles // Default is the same as the featureAngle. //mergePatchFacesAngle 45; // Optional mesh shrinking type 'displacementMotionSolver'. It uses any // displacementMotionSolver, e.g. displacementSBRStress // (default is the medial-axis algorithm, 'displacementMedialAxis') //meshShrinker displacementMotionSolver;