- Nov 13, 2017
Mark OLESEN authored
- makes for clearer code ENH: make writeIfDifferent part of Ostream
- Jul 06, 2017
Mark OLESEN authored
- Apr 16, 2017
Chris Greenshields authored
- Apr 12, 2017
Henry Weller authored
Patch contributed by Juho Peltola, VTT. Resolves patch request https://bugs.openfoam.org/view.php?id=2521
- Jan 30, 2017
Henry Weller authored
Patch contributed by Juho Peltola, VTT Resolves patch request https://bugs.openfoam.org/view.php?id=2446
- Oct 07, 2016
Henry Weller authored
to handle the effect of condensation and evaporation on bubble size
- Oct 06, 2016
Henry Weller authored
to handle the size of bubbles created by boiling. To be used in conjunction with the alphatWallBoilingWallFunction boundary condition. The IATE variant of the wallBoiling tutorial case is provided to demonstrate the functionality: tutorials/multiphase/reactingTwoPhaseEulerFoam/RAS/wallBoilingIATE
- Oct 04, 2016
Henry Weller authored
Patch contributed by Juho Peltola
Henry Weller authored
Contributed by Juho Peltola, VTT Notable changes: 1. The same wall function is now used for both phases, but user must specify phaseType ‘liquid’ or ‘vapor’ 2. Runtime selectable submodels for: - wall heat flux partitioning between the phases - nucleation site density - bubble departure frequency - bubble departure diameter 3. An additional iteration loop for the wall boiling model in case the initial guess for the wall temperature proves to be poor. The wallBoiling tutorial has been updated to demonstrate this new functionality.
- Jun 24, 2016
Henry Weller authored
- Apr 30, 2016
Henry Weller authored
GeometricField: Renamed internalField() -> primitiveField() and dimensionedInternalField() -> internalField() These new names are more consistent and logical because: primitiveField(): primitiveFieldRef(): Provides low-level access to the Field<Type> (primitive field) without dimension or mesh-consistency checking. This should only be used in the low-level functions where dimensional consistency is ensured by careful programming and computational efficiency is paramount. internalField(): internalFieldRef(): Provides access to the DimensionedField<Type, GeoMesh> of values on the internal mesh-type for which the GeometricField is defined and supports dimension and checking and mesh-consistency checking.
- Feb 26, 2016
Henry Weller authored
The deprecated non-const tmp functionality is now on the compiler switch NON_CONST_TMP which can be enabled by adding -DNON_CONST_TMP to EXE_INC in the Make/options file. However, it is recommended to upgrade all code to the new safer tmp by using the '.ref()' member function rather than the non-const '()' dereference operator when non-const access to the temporary object is required. Please report any problems on Mantis. Henry G. Weller CFD Direct.
- Nov 29, 2015
Henry Weller authored
- Nov 27, 2015
Henry Weller authored
Code and tutorial case provided by Juho Peltola