Integration foundation
Integrated Foundation developments to d2a62df7:
- externalWallHeatFluxTemperature: Added optional support for radiative flux to the outside 2017-04-26.
Next Foundation commit introduced large changes to the particle tracking algorithm - chosen not to include this change set until the code is more fully tested. Some additional cherry-picks have been integrated to resolve further bugs:
- a7711038 (fnd 1bb7db2b) - CrankNicolsonDdtScheme: Corrected input of off-centering coefficient of 1 2017-05-11
- 1765b5a4 (fnd d26c6c34) - DPMDyMFoam, DPMDyMFoam: Corrected support for closed-domain simulations 2017-05-04
- 0da6a5f7 (fnd 1328b5be) - surfaceTensionModels: Resolved warning from Clang concerning virtual function overload 2017-05-03
- 23210323 (fnd 7acfa95e) - thermophysicalModels: Corrected alphah to be enthalpy based 2017-05-03
Main changes
- abc50e21 Updated thermo libraries to be mass based (was molar based)
- Moved edgeMesh library code inside meshTools library
- Many run-time selectable models can now use in-line dictionary input as opposed to specifying a sub Coeffs dictionary
- Energy source refactored in thermo library (Sh, Qdot Qr->qr)
- distributionModels - top level distributionModel class no longer in the distributionModels namespace
- 55f3e808 sixDoFRigidBodyDisplacementPointPatchVectorField and uncoupledSixDoFRigidBodyDisplacementPointPatchVectorField
- Tutorial Alltest loop completes except for:
- multiphase/compressibleInterDyMFoam/laminar/sphereDrop/log.compressibleInterDyMFoam: change in set-up required due to deprecation of boundary conditions
- combustion/fireFoam/LES/simplePMMApanel/log.fireFoam: reaction system problem for solid->gas reactions