Henry Weller
* OpenFOAM Configuration
The main OpenFOAM settings are located in the parent etc/ directory. The bash
and csh shells are supported and to configure OpenFOAM source etc/bashrc or
etc/cshrc respectively which source the following files in the or
config.csh respectively:
+ =settings=: core settings
+ =aliases=: aliases for interactive shells
+ =unset=: sourced to clear as many OpenFOAM environment settings as possible
Henry Weller
+ =ensight=: application settings for EnSight
+ =paraview=: application settings for ParaView
+ =scotch=: application settings for compiling against scotch
+ =metis=: application settings for compiling against metis 5
The config.*/example directories contains various example configuration files
for the corresponding shell:
+ =compiler=: an example of fine tuning ThirdParty compiler settings
+ =openmpi=: an example of fine tuning openmpi settings for OpenFOAM
+ =paraview=: an example of chaining to the standard config/paraview with a
different ParaView_VERSION
+ =prefs=: an example of supplying alternative site-defined settings