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  • Andrew Heather's avatar
    ENH: LimitRange Function1 - extended and renamed · 89ddc271
    Andrew Heather authored and Mark OLESEN's avatar Mark OLESEN committed
        Function1 wrapper that maps the input value prior to it being used by
        another Function1.
        Example usage for limiting a polynomial:
                type            inputValueMapper;
                mode            minMax;
                min             0.4;
                max             1.4;
                value polynomial
                    (5 1)
                    (-2 2)
                    (-2 3)
                    (1 4)
        Here the return value will be:
        - poly(0.4) for x <= 0.4;
        - poly(1.4) for x >= 1.4; and
        - poly(x) for 0.4 < x < 1.4.
        Example usage for supplying a patch mass flux for a table lookup:
                type            inputValueMapper;
                mode            function;
                    type            functionObjectValue;
                    functionObject  surfaceFieldValue1;
                    functionObjectResult sum(outlet,phi);
                    type        table;
                    file        "<system>/fanCurve.txt";
            Property | Description                                  | Required
            mode     | Mapping mode (see below)                     | yes
            function | Mapping Function1                            | no*
            min      | Minimum input value                          | no*
            max      | Maximum input value                          | no*
            value    | Function of type Function1<Type>             | yes
        Mapping modes include
        - none     : the input value is simply passed to the 'value' Function1
        - function : the input value is passed through the 'function' Function1
                     before being passed to the 'value' Function1
        - minMax   : limits the input value to 'min' and 'max' values before being
                     passed to the 'value' Function1
        Replaces the LimitRange Function1 (v2106 and earlier)