Fields are used by dsmcFoam in several ways, some of which are different to their use elsewhere in OpenFOAM. None of these fields are solved by partial differential equations, they are used either to record simulation data, or to supply boundary data. In each case there are 11 fields: boundaryT, boundaryU: The wall and free stream conditions at the boundary are specified for velocity and temperature with these fields - only the data on the patches is used, the cell data is not. These are the only two fields which supply data to the case. dsmcRhoN: The population of dsmc particles in cells is recorded to visualise how well the cell population conditions required for dsmc are met. The boundary conditions are zeroGradient because only cell data is meaningful. fD, q: The wall heat flux (q) and force density (fD, i.e. stress vector) is recorded with these fields - only the data on wall patches is relevant, the cell data is not. iDof, internalE, linearKE, momentum, rhoM, rhoN: These fields are the densities of extensive quantities in the simulation, i.e. of number, mass, momentum, energy. Cell data is recorded in the internal field and the boundaryField is used to record the data of particles that strike wall patches. The properties of particles striking wall faces are weighted by 1/(Un*fA), where Un is the normal component of the particle's velocity and fA is the face area. This is done so that when intensive quantities, such as velocity or temperature, are evaluated on the wall the values are correct this allows velocity slip and temperature jump to be evaluated. Therefore, the data in these fields on wall patches is of a different type to the volume data. This may cause problems when post-processing, as any interpolation of these fields will have a artifacts in the near wall cells because the values on the faces are radically different. This can be overcome by visualising the data uninterpolated, or by copying the fields and setting zeroGradient boundary conditions on walls. Calculated intensive fields do not have this issue. Further fields are produced by dsmcFoam, i.e. dsmcSigmaTcRMax (used in the selection of collision partners) and by the fieldAverage (averaging the extensive quantity densities) and dsmcFields (calculating intensive quantities, i.e. velocity and temperature, from extensive quantities) function objects in each case as it runs.