Mattijs Janssens authored8ceec645
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Notes from merging Integration-TUD-addOns and plus. 0) - Changed dynamicMesh/polyTopoChange/polyTopoChange/hexRef8/hexRef8.C to created internal faces out-of-nothing. - Added the mapNewInternalFaces to dynamicRefineFvMesh - unset FOAM_SETNAN, FOAM_SIGFPE and run testCases/testAMRandLoadBalancing/damBreakWithObstacle - However when writing V0 we noticed a nan in the V0 field. (this doesn't get written anymore but it might indicate a bug) 1) Tried moving additional mapping of surface fields to virtual dynamicRefineFvMesh::mapFields(const mapPolyMesh&); so it would get called from the fvMesh::updateMesh. However this mapping (explicitly) gets done using unadapted addressing and it causes the cell addressing to be wrong: [1] --> FOAM FATAL ERROR: [1] index 826015320 out of range 0 ... 71079 [1] [1] From function void Foam::UList<T>::checkIndex(Foam::label) const [with T = Foam::cell; Foam::label = int] [1] in file /home/preston2/mattijs/OpenFOAM/work/OpenFOAM-plus.integration-TUD/src/OpenFOAM/lnInclude/UListI.H at line 106. From dynamicRefineFvMesh::mapNewInternalFaces : (I think) cell faceOwner = this->cells()[owner[facei]]; So this adaptation should be done in a separate pass 2) Mapping new internal faces: - currently done by averaging the values of 'properly' mapped faces from owner and neighbour. - this would not work if a cell gets split into 3x3x3 - instead this should be done by some geometric interpolation from point values? - have selection mechanism instead or use oriented flag on surfaceFields 3) Current averaging is valid only for internal faces & only scalar/vector