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  • Mark OLESEN's avatar
    ENH: adjust renumbering methods, extend renumberMesh options · 61aaacd0
    Mark OLESEN authored
    - renumberMesh now has -dry-run, -write-maps, -no-fields,
      -renumber-method, -renumber-coeffs options.
      * Use -dry-run with -write-maps to visualize the before/after
        effects of renumbering (creates a VTK file).
      * -no-fields to renumber the mesh only.
        This is useful and faster when the input fields are uniform
        and the -overwrite option is specified.
      * -renumber-method allows a quick means of specifying a different
        default renumber method (instead of Cuthill-McKee).
        The -renumber-coeffs option allows passing of dictionary content
        for the method.
           // Different ways to specify reverse Cuthill-McKee
           *  -renumber-method RCM
           *  -renumber-coeffs 'reverse true;'
           *  -renumber-method CuthillMcKee
           *  -renumber-coeffs 'reverse true;'
           *  -renumber-coeffs 'method CuthillMcKee; reverse true;'
           // Other (without dictionary coefficients)
           *  renumberMesh -renu...