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  • Mark OLESEN's avatar
    ENH: add dictionary::findStream() - symmetric with findDict() · 3b917666
    Mark OLESEN authored
    - can be used with this type of code:
      ITstream* streamPtr = dict.findStream(name);
      if (streamPtr)
          auto& is = *streamPtr;
      const entry* eptr = dict.findEntry(name);
      if (eptr && eptr->isStream())
          auto& is = eptr->stream();
    ENH: add findStream(), streamPtr(), isStream() to dictionary search
    - symmetric with findDict(), dictPtr(), isDict() methods
    STYLE: use findDict() instead of found() + subDict() pairing
    COMP: define is_globalIOobject trait at top of IOobject header
    - more visibility, permits reuse for specializations etc.