- native MPI min/max/sum reductions for float/double irrespective of WM_PRECISION_OPTION - native MPI min/max/sum reductions for (u)int32_t/(u)int64_t types, irrespective of WM_LABEL_SIZE - replace rarely used vector2D sum reduction with FixedList as a indicator of its intent and also generalizes to different lengths. OLD: vector2D values; values.x() = ...; values.y() = ...; reduce(values, sumOp<vector2D>()); NEW: FixedList<scalar,2> values; values[0] = ...; values[1] = ...; reduce(values, sumOp<scalar>()); - allow returnReduce() to use native reductions. Previous code (with linear/tree selector) would have bypassed them inadvertently. ENH: added support for MPI broadcast (for a memory span) ENH: select communication schedule as a static method - UPstream::whichCommunication(comm) to select linear/tree communication instead of ternary or if (Pstream::nProcs() < Pstream::nProcsSimpleSum) ... ...