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  • Mark OLESEN's avatar
    ENH: add offset support to stringOps::split functions · 88319698
    Mark OLESEN authored
    - for example,
         string buffer = ...;
         SubStrings<string> split;
             auto colon = buffer.find(':');
             if (colon != std::string::npos)
                 split = stringOps::splitSpace(buffer, colon+1);
        Not really possible with a substr() since that would create a new
        temporary which then disappears.  Similarly awkward to split and
        then scan for the ':' to decide how many to discard.
    ENH: add pop_front() and pop_back() methods to SubStrings
    - the content is trivial enough (a pair of iterators) and the total
      number of elements is usually reasonable short so that removal of
      elements is inexpensive
      For example,
         string buffer = ...;
         auto split = stringOps::splitSpace(buffer);
         if (!split.empty() && split[0].str() == "face")