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  • Mark OLESEN's avatar
    ENH: read support for EnSight single-file transient (#3154) · dfc9a892
    Mark OLESEN authored and Kutalmış Berçin's avatar Kutalmış Berçin committed
    - the ensightReadFile init() now automatically sets up binary/ascii
      (for geometry files) and checks for the transient "BEGIN TIME STEP"
      marker. If found, will also populate the file offsets for each of
      the timesteps.  If no corresponding footer is found (which would be
      very inefficient), it simply pretends that there is only a single
      time step instead of performing a costly file scan.
    - parsing of the ensight case file now also supports the use of
          filename numbers:
      as an alternative to
          filename start number:
          filename increment:
    - improved parsing robustness of "time values:" entry.
      Can now also have contents on the same line as the introducer.
    ENH: base-level adjustments for writing transient single-file
    - beginGeometry() is now separated out from file creation.
    - in append mode, ensightFile and ensightGeoFile will attempt to
      parse existing time-step information.