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  • Mark OLESEN's avatar
    ENH: new PDRblockMesh mesh generation utility (issue #1216) · 84270ed6
    Mark OLESEN authored
    - While a rectilinear mesh can be created with blockMesh, not every mesh
      created with blockMesh will satisfy the requirements for being a
      rectilinear mesh.
      This alternative to blockMesh uses a single block that is aligned
      with the xy-z directions and specifications of the control points,
      mesh divisions and expansion ratios. For example,
            points  ( -13.28 -0.10 6.0 19.19 );
            nCells  (  10  12 10 );
            ratios  ( 0.2   1  5 );
        y { ... }
        z { ... }
      With only one block, the boundary patch definition is simple and the
      canonical face number is used directly. For example,
            type    patch;
            faces   ( 0 );
            type    patch;
            faces   ( 1 );
            type    patch;
            faces   ( 2 3 );
    - After a mesh is defined, it is trivial to retrieve mesh-related
      information such as cell-volume, cell-ce...