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  • Henry Weller's avatar
    functionObjects::writeObjects: Added option "writeOption" · 9a739863
    Henry Weller authored
        Allows specification of different writing frequency of objects registered
        to the database.
        It has similar functionality as the main time database through the
        \c writeControl setting:
          - timeStep
          - writeTime
          - adjustableRunTime
          - runTime
          - clockTime
          - cpuTime
        It also has the ability to write the selected objects that were defined
        with the respective write mode for the requested \c writeOption, namely:
          - \c autoWrite - objects set to write at output time
          - \c noWrite   - objects set to not write by default
          - \c anyWrite  - any option of the previous two
        Example of function object specification:
            type        writeObjects;
            libs        ("");
            objects     (obj1 obj2);
            writeOption anyWrite;
    Patch contributed by Bruno Santos
    Resolves bug-report