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  • Vaggelis Papoutsis's avatar
    ENH: New adjont shape optimisation functionality · b8632543
    Vaggelis Papoutsis authored
    The adjoint library is enhanced with new functionality enabling
    automated shape optimisation loops.  A parameterisation scheme based on
    volumetric B-Splines is introduced, the control points of which act as
    the design variables in the optimisation loop [1, 2].  The control
    points of the volumetric B-Splines boxes can be defined in either
    Cartesian or cylindrical coordinates.
    The entire loop (solution of the flow and adjoint equations, computation
    of sensitivity derivatives, update of the design variables and mesh) is
    run within adjointOptimisationFoam. A number of methods to update the
    design variables are implemented, including popular Quasi-Newton methods
    like BFGS and methods capable of handling constraints like loop using
    the SQP or constraint projection.
    The software was developed by PCOpt/NTUA and FOSS GP, with contributions from
    Dr. Evangelos Papoutsis-Kiachagias,
    Konstantinos Gkaragounis,
    Professor Kyriakos Giannakoglou,
    Andy Heather
    [1] E.M. Pa...