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  • Mark OLESEN's avatar
    ENH: GeometricBoundaryField evaluate with specified communication type · 9335b641
    Mark OLESEN authored
    - evaluate()
      the communication type is exposed as a parameter to allow for more
      tuning, but default parameter remains defaultCommsType so there is
      no change in behaviour for existing code
    - evaluate_if()
      supports a general selection predicate
    - evaluateSelected()
      now does initEvaluate() for all patches, waits and then calls
      evaluate(). This avoids potential deadlocks when multiple patches
      are inter-communicating.
    ENH: align DimensionedField reading with GeometricField treatment
    - use localIOdictionary to obtain the dictionary contents
    ENH: update GeometricField code
    - change GeometricField writeData() as primary output method
      (not operator<<) for better clarity of purpose
    - use unique_ptr for GeometricField demand-driven data