- provides a simple means of defining/modifying fields. For example, ``` <name1> { type exprField; libs (fieldFunctionObjects); field pTotal; expression "p + 0.5*(rho*magSqr(U))"; dimensions [ Pa ]; } ``` It is is also possible to modify an existing field. For example, to modify the previous one. ``` <name2> { type exprField; libs (fieldFunctionObjects); field pTotal; action modify; // Static pressure only in these regions fieldMask #{ (mag(pos()) < 0.05) && (pos().y() > 0) || cellZone(inlet) #}; expression "p"; } ``` To use as a simple post-process calculator, simply avoid storing the result and only generate on write: ``` <name2> { store false; executionControl none; writeControl writeTime; ... } ```