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  • Mark OLESEN's avatar
    ENH: dictionary checking methods with predicates on the input values · 32916fa8
    Mark OLESEN authored
    - can be used to check the validity of input values.
        dict.getCheck<label>("nIters", greaterOp1<label>(0));
        dict.getCheck<scalar>("relax", scalarMinMax::zero_one());
    - use 'get' prefix for more regular dictionary methods.
      Eg, getOrDefault() as alternative to lookupOrDefault()
    - additional ops for convenient construction of predicates
    ENH: make dictionary writeOptionalEntries integer
    - allow triggering of Fatal if default values are used
    ENH: additional scalarRange static methods: ge0, gt0, zero_one
    - use GREAT instead of VGREAT for internal placeholders
    - additional MinMax static methods: gt, le