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  • Henry Weller's avatar
    cellCoBlended: New surfaceInterpolation scheme based on CoBlended using the... · da8db9ff
    Henry Weller authored
    cellCoBlended: New surfaceInterpolation scheme based on CoBlended using the cell-based Courant number
        This scheme is equivalent to the CoBlended scheme except that the Courant
        number is evaluated for cells using the same approach as use in the
        finite-volume solvers and then interpolated to the faces rather than being
        estimated directly at the faces based on the flux.  This is a more
        consistent method for evaluating the Courant number but suffers from the
        need to interpolate which introduces a degree of freedom.  However, the
        interpolation scheme for "Co" is run-time selected and may be specified in
        "interpolationSchemes" and "localMax" might be most appropriate.
        Example of the cellCoBlended scheme specification using LUST for Courant
        numbers less than 1 and linearUpwind for Courant numbers greater than 10:
            div(phi,U)  Gauss cellCoBlended 1 LUST grad(U) 10 linearUpwind grad(U);
            interpolate(Co) localMax;