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  • sergio's avatar
    ENH: new solvers: overCompressibleInterDyMFoam and overInterPhaseChangeDyMFoam · ad35fea7
    sergio authored and Kutalmış Berçin's avatar Kutalmış Berçin committed
    - overCompressibleInterDyMFoam: Overset solver for two compressible,
    non-isothermal, immiscible fluids using a VOF (i.e. volume of fluid)
    phase-fraction based interface capturing approach.
    - overInterPhaseChangeDyMFoam: Overset solver for two incompressible,
    isothermal, immiscible fluids with phase-change (e.g. cavitation) using
    VoF (i.e. volume of fluid) phase-fraction based interface capturing approach.
    - adds new tutorials:
      - multiphase/overCompressibleInterDyMFoam/compressibleTwoSimpleRotors
      - multiphase/overInterPhaseChangeDyMFoam/twoSimpleRotors
    Signed-off-by: default avatarKutalmis Bercin <>