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  • Mark OLESEN's avatar
    STYLE: align faceZone handling (functionObjects, sampling) · 9114e01d
    Mark OLESEN authored
    - pattern as per surfaceFieldValue::setFaceZoneFaces()
      1. define faceId, facePatchId assuming an internal face
      2. if actually a boundary face:
         - get facePatchId
         - ignore if emptyPolyPatch or coupledPolyPatch (neighbour side)
         - get patch relative faceId
      This currently seems to be the least amount of code clutter.
    ENH: recover some memory my shrinking lists in fluxSummary
    BUG: potentially trailing rubbish in the heatExchangerModel lists
    - the final resize to length actually used was missing.
      Does not affect any released versions