ENH: enable MPI library variants (#1153)
- in addition to managing different vendors and versions, it may also be necessary or desirable to have a particular variant (eg, profiling, release, etc). Devise a new meaningful name for the variant and create a corresponding wmake rule. Eg, SYSTEMOPENMPI-profiling with a corresponding "wmake/rules/linux64Gcc/mplibSYSTEMOPENMPI-profiling" file that has suitable content for your system. CONFIG: intel-mpi use intel64/ paths only for config and wmake rules (#1153) - previously adjusted the config files, but missed the changes required for the wmake rules too. Now simply migrate to using "intel64/{include,bin,lib}" instead of the older naming "{include,bin,lib}64" These changes work since at least intel-mpi 2015 (5.x), but possibly earlier as well
- META-INFO/api-info 1 addition, 1 deletionMETA-INFO/api-info
- etc/bashrc 1 addition, 0 deletionsetc/bashrc
- etc/config.csh/mpi 5 additions, 11 deletionsetc/config.csh/mpi
- etc/config.sh/mpi 5 additions, 12 deletionsetc/config.sh/mpi
- etc/cshrc 1 addition, 0 deletionsetc/cshrc
- wmake/rules/linux64Clang/mplibINTELMPI 2 additions, 2 deletionswmake/rules/linux64Clang/mplibINTELMPI
- wmake/rules/linux64Cray/mplibINTELMPI 2 additions, 2 deletionswmake/rules/linux64Cray/mplibINTELMPI
- wmake/rules/linux64Gcc/mplibINTELMPI 2 additions, 2 deletionswmake/rules/linux64Gcc/mplibINTELMPI
- wmake/rules/linux64GccKNL/mplibINTELMPI 2 additions, 2 deletionswmake/rules/linux64GccKNL/mplibINTELMPI
- wmake/rules/linux64Icc/mplibINTELMPI 2 additions, 2 deletionswmake/rules/linux64Icc/mplibINTELMPI
- wmake/rules/linux64IccKNL/mplibINTELMPI 2 additions, 2 deletionswmake/rules/linux64IccKNL/mplibINTELMPI
- wmake/rules/linuxIA64Icc/mplibINTELMPI 2 additions, 2 deletionswmake/rules/linuxIA64Icc/mplibINTELMPI
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