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Commit 29270158 authored by Vaggelis Papoutsis's avatar Vaggelis Papoutsis Committed by Andrew Heather
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ENH: added a null space approach to update the design variables

parent 6020fabc
1 merge request!649ENH: update of the adjoint library and introduction of topology optimisation
...@@ -178,6 +178,7 @@ $(updateMethod)/LBFGS/LBFGS.C ...@@ -178,6 +178,7 @@ $(updateMethod)/LBFGS/LBFGS.C
$(updateMethod)/SR1/SR1.C $(updateMethod)/SR1/SR1.C
$(updateMethod)/conjugateGradient/conjugateGradient.C $(updateMethod)/conjugateGradient/conjugateGradient.C
$(updateMethod)/MMA/MMA.C $(updateMethod)/MMA/MMA.C
$(updateMethod)/constraintProjection/constraintProjection.C $(updateMethod)/constraintProjection/constraintProjection.C
$(updateMethod)/SQPBase/SQPBase.C $(updateMethod)/SQPBase/SQPBase.C
$(updateMethod)/SQP/SQP.C $(updateMethod)/SQP/SQP.C
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Update design variables using a null space approach.
Can handle inequality and bound constraints.
Feppon, F., Allaire, G., & Dapogny, C. (2020).
Null space gradient flows for constrained optimization with
applications to shape optimization.
ESAIM: COCV, 26, 90.
#ifndef nullSpace_H
#define nullSpace_H
#include "constrainedOptimisationMethod.H"
#include "updateMethod.H"
// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
namespace Foam
Class nullSpace Declaration
class nullSpace
public constrainedOptimisationMethod,
public updateMethod
// Protected data
//- Are bound constraints included?
bool includeBoundConstraints_;
//- Lagrange multipliers for flow-reated constraints
scalarField mu_;
//- Lagrange multipliers for the lower bound constraints
scalarField l_;
//- Lagrange multipliers for the upper bound constraints
scalarField u_;
// Dual variables
//- Solve the dual problem?
bool solveDualProblem_;
//- Lagrange multipliers of the dual problem for flow-related
//- constraints
scalarField dualMu_;
//- Lagrange multipliers of the dual problem for the lower bound
//- constraints
scalarField dualL_;
//- Lagrange multipliers of the dual problem for the upper bound
//- constraints
scalarField dualU_;
// Constraint subsets
//- List of saturated or violated constraints
// List[0]: flow related constraints
// List[1]: lower bound constraints
// List[2]: upper bound constraints
// Sub-list meaning is the same for all labelListLists that follow
labelListList iTilda_;
//- List of saturated or violated constraints (up to epsConstr_)
labelListList iTildaEps_;
//- List of constraints that must remain active
// Determines the null space update
labelListList iHat_;
//- List of constraints the values of which need to be reduced
// Determines the range space update
labelListList iRangeSpace_;
// Fields holding the updates of the Lagrange multipliers of the primal
// and dual problems
scalarField deltaMu_;
scalarField deltaL_;
scalarField deltaU_;
scalarField deltaDualMu_;
scalarField deltaDualL_;
scalarField deltaDualU_;
//- Infinitesimal quantity
// Updated during the inner iterations of the dual problem
scalar eps_;
//- Maxmimum number of Newton iterations for the dual problem
label maxNewtonIters_;
//- Maxmimum number of line search iterations for each Newton iteration
//- of the dual problem
label maxLineSearchIters_;
//- Maxmimum number of CG iterations for obtaining the null space and
//- range space updates
label maxCGIters_;
//- Tolerance of the dual problem
scalar dualTolerance_;
// Constant parameters
//- Value for considering a constraint as marginally active
// Used to avoid the frequent change of the active set of
// constraints
scalar epsConstr_;
//- Multiplier of the null space update
scalar aJ_;
//- Multiplier of the range space update
scalar aC_;
//- Change aJ and aC adaptively
bool adaptiveStep_;
//- Last cycle on which to reset aJ
label lastAcceleratedCycle_;
//- Max change of the design variables, pertaining to the objective
//- reduction.
// If adaptiveStep is set to true, aJ will be set in such a way
// to obtain a maxDVChange_ for the design variables, for all
// optimisation cycles up to lastAcceleratedCycle_
autoPtr<scalar> maxDVChange_;
//- Whether to impose maxDVChange strictly on all optimisation
//- cycles or just up to the lastAcceleratedCycle
bool strictMaxDVChange_;
//- Target reduction of active constraints (range in [0-1])
// 1: active constraints will become zero (first-order approx)
// 0: no change in the constraints
scalar targetConstraintReduction_;
//- Downplay the importance of the bound constraint reduction
//- by this ammount
scalar bcMult_;
// Protected Member Functions
//- Update sizes of fields related to the constraints
void initialise();
//- Zero the updates computed in the previous optimisation cycle
void zeroUpdates();
// Functions related to the solution of the dual subproblem
//- Solve the dual problem for computing the Lagrange multiplier
//- using a Newton solver
void solveDualProblem();
//- Compute and return residuals based on the current solution
tmp<scalarField> computeResiduals();
//- Compute direction for the Newton problem
void computeNewtonDirection();
//- Perform line search and return max residual corresponding to
//- the updated solution
scalar lineSearch();
//- Update the current solution using the known direction and the
//- given step length
void updateSolution(const scalar step);
//- Adjust step to satisfy cireteria
void adjustStep
scalar& step,
const scalar value,
const scalar update
// Functions related to the computation of the design variables update
//- Update the constraint subsets
void updateViolatedConstraintsSubsets();
//- Update the constraint subsets
void updateNullAndRangeSpaceSubsets();
//- Update violated constraints indices (iTilda and iTildaEps)
void updateViolatedIndices
const label i,
const scalarField& constraints
//- Update constraint indices related to the null and range space
//- part of the correction
void updateCorrectionIndices
const label i,
const scalarField& LagrangeMults,
const scalarField& dual
//- Compute the update of the design variables as a combination of
//- null space and range space parts
void correction();
//- A & v
// where A is the Jacobian of all constraints, identified by
// the labelList addressings, w.r.t. the active design variables
tmp<scalarField> Av
const scalarField& v,
const labelListList& subsets
//- A.T & v
// where A is the Jacobian of all constraints, identified by
// the labelList addressings, w.r.t. the active design variables
tmp<scalarField> ATv
const scalarField& v,
const labelListList& subsets
//- Collect all constraint values corresponding to the provided
//- indices
tmp<scalarField> activeConstraints
const labelListList& subsets
//- Computes the parts of ksiJ and ksiC that require a system
//- solution
// Formulated in terms of the flow constraints, which are usually
// few
tmp<scalarField> constraintRelatedUpdate
const scalarField& rhs,
const labelListList& subsets
//- Print statistics on the number of flow- and bound-related
//- constraints included in the subset
void statistics
const labelListList& subset,
const word& description
// Private Member Functions
//- No copy construct
nullSpace(const nullSpace&) = delete;
//- No copy assignment
void operator=(const nullSpace&) = delete;
//- Runtime type information
// Constructors
//- Construct from components
const fvMesh& mesh,
const dictionary& dict,
autoPtr<designVariables>& designVars,
const label nConstraints,
const word& type
//- Destructor
virtual ~nullSpace() = default;
// Member Functions
//- Compute design variables correction
virtual void computeCorrection();
//- Compute the merit function for line search
virtual scalar computeMeritFunction();
//- Directional derivative of the merit function, in the direction of
//- the correction
virtual scalar meritFunctionDirectionalDerivative();
//- Write useful quantities to files
virtual bool writeData(Ostream& os) const;
// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
} // End namespace Foam
// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
// ************************************************************************* //
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