ENH: support alternative build-root location (#2286)
- specify any of these ./Allwmake -build-root=... wmake -build-root=... FOAM_BUILDROOT=... wmake these specify an alternative root where build artifacts are to land. Currently only used as an alternative for the 'build/' hierarchy since the 'platforms/' target normally includes inputs as well. Possible use: ``` ( export WM_MPLIB="%{foam_mplib}" export FOAM_MPI="%{foam_mpi}" export MPI_ARCH_PATH="%{mpi_prefix}" export FOAM_BUILDROOT=/tmp/mpibuild export FOAM_MPI_LIBBIN="$FOAM_BUILDROOT/platforms/$WM_OPTIONS/lib/$FOAM_MPI" src/Pstream/Allwmake-mpi ) ```
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