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Commit 9bf0087f authored by andy's avatar andy
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ENH: Added intersection test to tetOverlapVolume

parent e5b4b6d9
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......@@ -130,6 +130,135 @@ Foam::treeBoundBox Foam::tetOverlapVolume::pyrBb
// * * * * * * * * * * * Public Member Functions * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
bool Foam::tetOverlapVolume::cellCellOverlapMinDecomp
const primitiveMesh& meshA,
const label cellAI,
const primitiveMesh& meshB,
const label cellBI,
const treeBoundBox& cellBbB,
const scalar threshold
) const
const cell& cFacesA = meshA.cells()[cellAI];
const point& ccA = meshA.cellCentres()[cellAI];
const cell& cFacesB = meshB.cells()[cellBI];
const point& ccB = meshB.cellCentres()[cellBI];
scalar vol = 0.0;
forAll(cFacesA, cFA)
label faceAI = cFacesA[cFA];
const face& fA = meshA.faces()[faceAI];
const treeBoundBox pyrA = pyrBb(meshA.points(), fA, ccA);
if (!pyrA.overlaps(cellBbB))
bool ownA = (meshA.faceOwner()[faceAI] == cellAI);
label tetBasePtAI = 0;
const point& tetBasePtA = meshA.points()[fA[tetBasePtAI]];
for (label tetPtI = 1; tetPtI < fA.size() - 1; tetPtI++)
label facePtAI = (tetPtI + tetBasePtAI) % fA.size();
label otherFacePtAI = fA.fcIndex(facePtAI);
label pt0I = -1;
label pt1I = -1;
if (ownA)
pt0I = fA[facePtAI];
pt1I = fA[otherFacePtAI];
pt0I = fA[otherFacePtAI];
pt1I = fA[facePtAI];
const tetPoints tetA
const treeBoundBox tetABb(tetA.bounds());
// Loop over tets of cellB
forAll(cFacesB, cFB)
label faceBI = cFacesB[cFB];
const face& fB = meshB.faces()[faceBI];
const treeBoundBox pyrB = pyrBb(meshB.points(), fB, ccB);
if (!pyrB.overlaps(pyrA))
bool ownB = (meshB.faceOwner()[faceBI] == cellBI);
label tetBasePtBI = 0;
const point& tetBasePtB = meshB.points()[fB[tetBasePtBI]];
for (label tetPtI = 1; tetPtI < fB.size() - 1; tetPtI++)
label facePtBI = (tetPtI + tetBasePtBI) % fB.size();
label otherFacePtBI = fB.fcIndex(facePtBI);
label pt0I = -1;
label pt1I = -1;
if (ownB)
pt0I = fB[facePtBI];
pt1I = fB[otherFacePtBI];
pt0I = fB[otherFacePtBI];
pt1I = fB[facePtBI];
const tetPoints tetB
if (!tetB.bounds().overlaps(tetABb))
vol += tetTetOverlapVol(tetA, tetB);
if (vol > threshold)
return true;
return false;
Foam::scalar Foam::tetOverlapVolume::cellCellOverlapVolumeMinDecomp
const primitiveMesh& meshA,
......@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ class polyMesh;
class tetPoints;
Class tetOverlapVolume Declaration
Class tetOverlapVolume Declaration
class tetOverlapVolume
......@@ -94,6 +94,16 @@ public:
const label cellBI
) const;
//- Return true if olverlap volume is greater than threshold
bool cellCellOverlapMinDecomp
const primitiveMesh& meshA,
const label cellAI,
const primitiveMesh& meshB,
const label cellBI,
const treeBoundBox& cellBbB,
const scalar threshold = 0.0
) const;
//- Calculates the overlap volume
scalar cellCellOverlapVolumeMinDecomp
0% or .
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