ENH: robuster handling of system or central installation (issue #290)
- Follow similar pattern as per boost/CGAL with the '*-none' to disable, and '*-system' for system installations. Also support central non-ThirdParty installations by specifying the version as "*-system", but also providing the fully qualified *_ARCH_PATH too. -- ENH: Verify label and scalar sizes used in the metis header. - ensure they match with expected values, which can be obtained via the OpenFOAM definitions for WM_LABEL_SIZE and WM_PRECISION_OPTION
- etc/config.sh/metis 22 additions, 2 deletionsetc/config.sh/metis
- etc/config.sh/scotch 21 additions, 4 deletionsetc/config.sh/scotch
- src/Pstream/Allwmake 4 additions, 5 deletionssrc/Pstream/Allwmake
- src/parallel/decompose/Allwmake 147 additions, 39 deletionssrc/parallel/decompose/Allwmake
- src/parallel/decompose/metisDecomp/Make/options 5 additions, 0 deletionssrc/parallel/decompose/metisDecomp/Make/options
- src/parallel/decompose/ptscotchDecomp/Make/options 4 additions, 0 deletionssrc/parallel/decompose/ptscotchDecomp/Make/options
- src/parallel/decompose/scotchDecomp/Make/options 5 additions, 0 deletionssrc/parallel/decompose/scotchDecomp/Make/options
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