- Apr 03, 2020
Mark OLESEN authored
- adjustments to internal handling to improve run-time addition of other formats (eg, with additional user library) For example, to write a binary STL with a '.stl' extension: $ surfaceMeshConvert input.obj -write-format stlb output.stl Or in a sampler, to specify the input type without ambiguity: surf { type meshedSurface; surface sampling.inp; fileType starcd; scale 0.001; ... } STYLE: regularize naming for input/output scaling * -read-scale (compat: -scaleIn) * -write-scale (compat: -scaleOut) CONFIG: change edge/surface selection name for STARCD format - now select as "starcd" instead of "inp" to avoid naming ambiguity with abaqus
- Apr 02, 2020
Mark OLESEN authored
- face_type, point_type (similar to STL value_type, etc). The naming avoids potential confusion with template parameters. - rename private typedef from ParentType to MeshReference for more consistency with polySurface etc.
- Apr 01, 2020
Mark OLESEN authored
- previously used a Pstream::exit() invoked from the argList destructor to handle all MPI shutdown, but this has the unfortunate side-effect of using a fixed return value for the program exit. Instead use the Pstream::shutdown() method in the destructor and allow the normal program exit codes as usual. This means that the following code now works as expected. ``` argList args(...); if (...) { InfoErr<< "some error\n"; return 1; } ```
- Mar 30, 2020
sergio authored
- Mar 26, 2020
Andrew Heather authored
- Mar 19, 2020
Mark OLESEN authored
* Use cast for std::pow(??, z). * No cast for std::pow(z, ??) - already properly specialized.
- Mar 16, 2020
Andrew Heather authored
- Mar 12, 2020
Mark OLESEN authored
- uses MeshedSurface instead of triSurface to prevent automatic triangulation. - supports '-patches' and '-excludePatches' controls as per foamToVTK. For example, surfaceSplitByPatch -patches '( ".*rider.*" )' motorBike.obj ENH: use MeshedSurface for surfaceSubset
Mark OLESEN authored
- Mar 11, 2020
Mark OLESEN authored
- coordinateSystems, DictionaryBase
Mark OLESEN authored
STYLE: update dimensionSets in SpalartAllmaras
- Feb 28, 2020
- Feb 26, 2020
Mark OLESEN authored
- refactored from ensightMesh, foamToVTK, surfaceMeshExtract STYLE: use wordRes matching() method instead of findString() function
- Feb 24, 2020
Mark OLESEN authored
- use point::uniform in more places
- Feb 21, 2020
Mark OLESEN authored
Mark OLESEN authored
Mark OLESEN authored
- Feb 20, 2020
Mark OLESEN authored
- emit "constant " and "uniform " as separate word/space combination
- Feb 19, 2020
Mark OLESEN authored
Style changes: - use std algorithm for some stringOps internals - pass SubStrings iterators by const reference ENH: special nullptr handling for ISstream getLine - pass through to istream::ignore to support read and discard
sergio authored
1) Adding interfaceHeight FO 2) Adding interfaceHeatResistance mass transfer model to interCondensatingEvaporatingFoam with spread source approach 3) Reworking framework for icoReactingMultiphaseInterFoam
- reduces the number of parameters that are being passed around and allows future additions into the IOstreamOption with mininal effort.
- was missing cast to symmTensor
- Feb 18, 2020
Mark OLESEN authored
* Support default values for format/compress enum lookups. - Avoids situations where the preferred default format is not ASCII. For example, with dictionary input: format binar; The typing mistake would previously have caused formatEnum to default to ASCII. We can now properly control its behaviour. IOstream::formatEnum ( dict.get<word>("format"), IOstream::BINARY ); Allowing us to switch ascii/binary, using BINARY by default even in the case of spelling mistakes. The mistakes are flagged, but the return value can be non-ASCII. * The format/compression lookup behave as pass-through if the lookup string is empty. - Allows the following to work without complaint IOstream::formatEnum ( dict.getOrDefault("format", word::null), IOstream::BINARY ); - Or use constructor-like failsafe method IOstream::formatEnum("format", dict, IOstream::BINARY); - Apply the same behaviour with setting stream format/compression from a word. is.format("binar"); will emit a warning, but leave the stream format UNCHANGED * Rationalize versionNumber construction - constexpr constructors where possible. Default construct is the "currentVersion" - Construct from token to shift the burden to versionNumber. Support token as argument to version(). Now: is.version(headerDict.get<token>("version")); or failsafe constructor method is.version ( IOstreamOption::versionNumber("version", headerDict) ); Before (controlled input): is.version ( IOstreamOption::versionNumber ( headerDict.get<float>("version") ) ); Old, uncontrolled input - has been removed: is.version(headerDict.lookup("version")); * improve consistency, default behaviour for IOstreamOption construct - constexpr constructors where possible - add copy construct with change of format. - construct IOstreamOption from streamFormat is now non-explicit. This is a commonly expected result with no ill-effects
Mark OLESEN authored
- align Switch more with Enum. Now have find(), found() static methods. Constructors with failsafe option. The find() method makes for clearer coding: OLD Switch sw(some_string, true); // NB: true = allowBad if (sw.valid()) ... NOW Switch sw = Switch::find(some_string); if (sw.good()) ... or if (Switch::found(some_string)) ... - improve construct from dictionary to handle all valid token types. Previously just read in a word. - Remove asText() method - replaced by c_str() and str() several versions ago.
Mark OLESEN authored
Mark OLESEN authored
- renamed 'core/' -> 'base/' to avoid gitignore masking when re-adding files - rename 'nas/' to 'nastran/' for more clarity - relocated OBJstream from surfMesh to fileFormats STYLE: remove unused parseNASCoord. Was deprecated 2017-09
- `tensor` and `tensor2D` returns complex eigenvalues/vectors - `symmTensor` and `symmTensor2D` returns real eigenvalues/vectors - adds new test routines for eigendecompositions - improves numerical stability by: - using new robust algorithms, - reordering the conditional branches in root-type selection
- ensures each Tensor-container operates for the following base types: - floatScalar - doubleScalar - complex - adds/improves test applications for each container and base type: - constructors - member functions - global functions - global operators - misc: - silently removes `invariantIII()` for `tensor2D` and `symmTensor2D` since the 3rd invariant does not exist for 2x2 matrices - fixes `invariantII()` algorithm for `tensor2D` and `symmTensor2D` - adds `Cmpt` multiplication to `Vector2D` and `Vector` - adds missing access funcs for symmetric containers - improves func/header documentations
- replaces floating-point equal comparisons in `linearEqn`, `quadraticEqn`, and `cubicEqn`, - ensures `quadraticEqn` and `cubicEqn` can return `complex` roots, - reorders if-branches in `quadraticEqn` and `cubicEqn` to avoid zero-equal comparison, - adds Kahan's cancellation-avoiding algorithm into `quadraticEqn` and `cubicEqn` for the numerically-sensitive discriminant computation, - adds/improves `polynomialEqns` tests: * adds Test-linearEqn.C * adds Test-quadraticEqn.C * improves Test-cubicEqn.C
- includes restructuring and simplification of low-level ensight part handling and refactor of backends to improve code reuse. foamToEnsight ------------- * new cellZone support. This was previously only possible via a separate foamToEnsightParts utility that was not parallelized. * support for point fields. * `-nearCellValue` option (as per foamToVTK) * data indexing now uses values from the time index. This is consistent with the ensightWrite function object and can help with restarts. * existing ensight directories are removed, unless the -no-overwrite option is supplied foamToEnsightParts ------------------ * now redundant and removed. ensightOutputSurface (new class) -------------------------------- * a lightweight wrapper for point/face references that is tailored for the ensightSurfaceWriter. It uses compact face/point information and is serial only, since this is the format requirements from the surfaceWriter class. ensightMesh (revised class) --------------------------- * now only holds a polyMesh reference, which removes its dependency on finiteVolume and allows it to be relocated under fileFormats instead of conversion. Removed classes: ensightParts, ensighPartFaces, ensightPartCells - these were used by foamToEnsightParts, but not needed anymore.
- Feb 14, 2020
Mark OLESEN authored
- also now report any verbosity on stderr - fix similar collated directories issue for foamRestoreFields
- Feb 12, 2020
Mark OLESEN authored
Mark OLESEN authored
- simplifies code, covers most cases. Can use wmake -show-api or wmakeBuildInfo to query the make rules. STYLE: Allwmake script adjustments - use bin/foamEtcFile instead of relying on PATH. The make environment may not have the OpenFOAM bin/ in it. - simpler shell syntax
mattijs authored
- Feb 06, 2020
mattijs authored
Mark OLESEN authored
- Jan 31, 2020
Mark OLESEN authored
Mark OLESEN authored
- provides an indirect access to a sub-section of a list that is somewhat less efficient than a Foam::SubList, but supports the following: * adjustment of its addressing range after construction * recovery of the original, underlying list at any time This can be more convenient for some coding cases. For example, template<class Addr> void renumberFaces(IndirectListBase<face, Addr>& faces, ...); which can be called for * Specific faces: UIndirectList<face>(mesh.faces(), facesToChange) * A sub-range of faces: IndirectSubList<face>(mesh.faces(), pp.range()) * All faces: IndirectSubList<face>(mesh.faces()) CONFIG: added IndirectListsFwd.H with some common forwarding