- Dec 20, 2021
Andrew Heather authored
Andrew Heather authored
- Dec 16, 2021
Mark OLESEN authored
- partial revert for 13740de4 (#2158) MS-MPI does not currently have a MPI_Comm_create_group(), so keep using MPI_Comm_create() there. Only affects multi-world simulations. CONFIG: retain dummy version of libPstream.dll - retain as libPstream.dll-dummy so that it is available for manual replacement of the regular libPstream.dll (#2290) Keep extra copy of libPstream.dll as libPstream.dll-msmpi (for example) for manual replacement.
Mark OLESEN authored
- Dec 15, 2021
Mark OLESEN authored
Mark OLESEN authored
- this is now consistent with what the internal "get(Vol|Surface|Point)Field" methods deliver (ie, zero-gradient for volume, calculated otherwise). Still some slight inconsistencies with what the internal "new(Vol|Surface|Point)Field" methods deliver however. There they are always "calculated"
sergio authored
mattijs authored
Enables particles to interact with mesh faces (decsribed using faceZones). faceInteraction1 { type faceInteraction; faceZones ( (blockageFaces stick) // (blockageFaces escape) // (blockageFaces rebound) // not applicable for this test case (!) ); dMin 0; dMax 1; } The faceZones entry is a list of (faceZoneName interactionType), where interaction type is either stick, escape or rebound.
- Now only has the options 'point' and 'disk' (deprecated movingPoint) - moving state is based on the type of Function1 - The position and direction entries are Function1-types, e.g. for the 'table' type the entries could be: position table ( ( 0 (0.1 0.5 0.5)) (0.2 (0.5 0.9 0.5)) (0.4 (0.9 0.5 0.5)) (0.6 (0.5 0.1 0.5)) (0.8 (0.5 0.5 0.9)) (1.0 (0.5 0.9 0.5)) (1.2 (0.5 0.5 0.1)) (1.4 (0.5 0.1 0.5)) (1.6 (0.1 0.5 0.5)) (1.8 (0.5 0.5 0.9)) (2.0 (0.9 0.5 0.5)) (2.2 (0.5 0.5 0.1)) ); direction table ( ( 0 ( 1 0 0)) (0.2 ( 0 -1 0)) (0.4 (-1 0 0)) (0.6 ( 0 1 0)) (0.8 ( 0 0 -1)) (1.0 ( 0 -1 0)) (1.2 ( 0 0 1)) (1.4 ( 0 1 0)) (1.6 ( 1 0 0)) (1.8 ( 0 0 -1)) (2.0 (-1 0 0)) (2.2 ( 0 0 1)) );
The parcel initial velocity can now be set using the new `velocityType` entry, taking one of the following options: - fixedValue : (default) same as earlier versions, requires U0 - patchValue : velocity set to seed patch face value - zeroGradient : velocity set to seed patch face adjacent cell value Example usage: model1 { type patchInjection; massTotal 1; SOI 0; parcelBasisType mass; patch cylinder; duration 10; parcelsPerSecond 100; velocityType patchValue; //velocityType zeroGradient; //U0 (-10 0 0); flowRateProfile constant 1; sizeDistribution { type normal; normalDistribution { expectation 1e-3; variance 1e-4; minValue 1e-5; maxValue 2e-3; } } } See the new $FOAM_TUTORIALS/lagrangian/kinematicParcelFoam/spinningDisk tutorial
TUT: floatingObject: add Function1-type accelerationRelaxation example
BUG: LemmertChawla: add missing write function BUG: alphatPhaseChangeJayatillekeWallFunction: remove unused maxExp, Tw, and Tp objects BUG: alphatFixedDmdtWallBoilingWallFunction: add missing ctor entries
ENH: Copying alphatLiquid value to alphatVapour for boiling regimes. When using correlations for boiling regimes the phases next to the wall are not relevant to these. Therefore the alphat is copied accordingly from the alphat for liquid. Only in the sub-cooling RPI model the partition of heat flux between vapour and liquid is considered.
Tref, Href , Sref and Pref are optional inputs to set the enthalpy at Href for Tref. Pref is needed for the departure function EoS::H
- Dec 14, 2021
sergio authored
Calculates propeller performance and wake field properties. Controlled by executeControl: - Propeller performance - Thrust coefficient, Kt - Torque coefficient, 10*Kq - Advance coefficient, J - Open water efficiency, etaO - Written to postProcessing/<name>/<time>/propellerPerformance.dat Controlled by writeControl: - Wake field text file - Wake: 1 - UzMean/URef - Velocity in cylindrical coordinates at xyz locations - Written to postProcessing/<name>/<time>/wake.dat - Axial wake field text file - 1 - Uz/URef at r/R and angle - Written to postProcessing/<name>/<time>/axialWake.dat - Velocity surface - Written to postProcessing/<name>/surfaces/time>/disk.<fileType> Usage Example of function object specification: \verbatim propellerInfo1 { type propellerInfo; libs (forces); writeControl writeTime; patches ("propeller.*"); URef 5; // Functi...
- Dec 13, 2021
sergio authored
Co-authored-by: Niels Gjøl Jacobsen <> Co-authored-by: Konstantinos Missios <> Co-authored-by:
Henning Scheufler <henning.scheufler@dlr.de> Co-authored-by:
Johan Roenby <johan.roenby@gmail.com>
Andrew Heather authored
mattijs authored
- Dec 10, 2021
- provides a simple means of defining/modifying fields. For example, ``` <name1> { type exprField; libs (fieldFunctionObjects); field pTotal; expression "p + 0.5*(rho*magSqr(U))"; dimensions [ Pa ]; } ``` It is is also possible to modify an existing field. For example, to modify the previous one. ``` <name2> { type exprField; libs (fieldFunctionObjects); field pTotal; action modify; // Static pressure only in these regions fieldMask #{ (mag(pos()) < 0.05) && (pos().y() > 0) || cellZone(inlet) #}; expression "p"; } ``` To use as a simple post-process calculator, simply avoid storing the result and only generate on write: ``` <name2> { store false; executionControl none; writeControl writeTime; ... } ```
- for debug/tracing handle the following keywords: * debug.driver (was "debugBaseDriver") * debug.scanner (was "debugScanner") * debug.parser (was "debugParser")
- literal lookups only for expression strings - code reduction for setExprFields. - changed keyword "condition" to "fieldMask" (option -field-mask). This is a better description of its purpose and avoids possible naming ambiguities with functionObject triggers (for example) if we apply similar syntax elsewhere. BUG: erroneous check in volumeExpr::parseDriver::isResultType() - not triggered since this method is not used anywhere (may remove in future version)
- Dec 09, 2021