- Dec 02, 2009
- Dec 01, 2009
Mark Olesen authored
- this probably should have been in commit c7c9a6e0 (2009-11-04) but got overseen in the HashTbl -> HashTable switch
Mark Olesen authored
Mark Olesen authored
- allow insert() and set() from a UList of Key This complements the existing erase(const UList<Key>&) method
Mark Olesen authored
Mark Olesen authored
- adjust code to more closely resemble sampledSets / sampledSurfaces
mattijs authored
Mark Olesen authored
- adjust code to more closely resemble sampledSurfaces
Mark Olesen authored
- this allows something like this: fields( T U "Ua.*" ); to select normal fields and all the adjoint velocity fields
- forgot to use readList in removeEntry, which caused the test failure. - remaining problem: it doesn't work as might be expected This is the problem: dict { foo xxx; bar yyy; } dict { baz zzz; #remove foo } This only removes 'foo' from the current scope (the second dict), since it occurs before the dictionary merge does. To remove from the final, merged dictionary, we'd need a new deleteEntry type that would do the right thing on the merge before self-destructing (ie, removing itself too).
Mark Olesen authored
- forgot to use readList in removeEntry, which caused the test failure. - remaining problem: it doesn't work as might be expected This is the problem: dict { foo xxx; bar yyy; } dict { baz zzz; #remove foo } This only removes 'foo' from the current scope (the second dict), since it occurs before the dictionary merge does. To remove from the final, merged dictionary, we'd need a new deleteEntry type that would do the right thing on the merge before self-destructing (ie, removing itself too).
henry authored
Mark Olesen authored
Mark Olesen authored
- reduce duplicate code by using some HashTable methods directly
Mark Olesen authored
- could also be the default - reduce duplicate code by using some HashTable methods directly
Mark Olesen authored
- useful when using alternative dictionary names/locations
Mark Olesen authored
- missing in 1.6.x as well
- Nov 30, 2009
Mark Olesen authored
- space between keyword and bracket in 'for(..)', 'if(..)', 'while(..)'
Mark Olesen authored
- Nov 29, 2009
Mark Olesen authored
- the blockMesh interface is splineEdge.H, selectable as "spline" The first tests look fine - it works as expected for the case with buggy polySpline reported on the forum. Should of course do some more extensive testing. The advantages compared to the current B-Spline implementation: - Doesn't need a matrix solver. - The coding resembles something that can be found in the literature. - In contrast to the B-Spline implementation, it is fairly clear what is actually going on. I don't even know if the B-Spline are actually B-Spline, Beta-Splines or something else. - Catmull-Rom splines seem to be what all the graphics people have as their stable workhorse. We now have 3 different names for splines in blockMesh: - "spline" - *new* Catmull-Rom for arbitrary segments. - "simpleSpline" - B-Spline for a single segment - "polySpline" - B-Spline for a multiple segments Assuming the Catmull-Rom splines continue to behave nicely, there is no reason to keep the other (broken) B-Splines. This would help clean up the blockMesh interface too. Placed the older ones under legacy/ for easier identification in the future. TODO: - currently no handling of non-zero end tangents - could be extended to handle closed loops, which might be useful for feature edges from CAD (eg, for the cvm mesher)
- Nov 27, 2009
Mark Olesen authored
- markup codingStyleGuide.org examples so they actually indent correctly - use 'Info<<' as per codingStyleGuide instead of 'Info <<'
- Nov 26, 2009
mattijs authored
Mark Olesen authored
Mark Olesen authored
- use first() method in some places as well where it helps clarity - there are a few remaining cases: git grep 'size()-1]'
- Nov 25, 2009
mattijs authored
mattijs authored
Mark Olesen authored
- this builds on Mattijs' commit 968f0bbd but with a first() as well. - Added both to FixedList, IndirectList, UIndirectList and *PtrList and since they can certainly be useful there. Did not add to BiIndirectList, since I'm not sure what it should mean there. Did not add to PackedList, since it's not clear how useful they'd be yet in these contexts (and I'm not sure how it would interact with the iterator proxy implementation). - Note: STL defines front() and back() for these methods.
- Nov 24, 2009
Andrew Heather authored
Andrew Heather authored
Andrew Heather authored
Andrew Heather authored
henry authored
models derived from Smagorinsky.
- Nov 23, 2009
Mark Olesen authored
- slightly better code isolation, dropped unneed variables, changed vector -> point in the appropriate places - the spline stuff is still horribly broken. Needs a complete rewrite or needs to get chucked.
Mark Olesen authored
- Include Sets/Zones now scans immediately to refresh the list of available mesh parts. Unfortunately, this also causes the object panel to be modified, even although the selection doesn't acutally need to change. This seems to be due to how the pqNamedWidgets are getting the information from the proxy properties. I can't figure if it's possible to acheive what I want, but we can probably live with the current implementation. After IncludeZones, simply us 'Reset' to undo the spurious GUI changes. Works fine - just looks a bit silly. - Added 'Refresh' button to rescan for new times/fields. Good for post-processing ongoing calculations without exiting the reader. - Added 'Skip Zero Time' checkbox: many (some) calculations have data missing at time=0 (eg, rho, lagrangian, etc). This provides a convenient way to skip over this time. - Future?: We could probably pick up favourite default values for these switches from ~OpenFOAM/controlDict, from a case system/paraview, or simply by making the casename.OpenFOAM also be an OpenFOAM dictionary with the settings.
Andrew Heather authored
graham authored
Andrew Heather authored