- May 14, 2021
Sergio Ferraris authored
refactor and extend handling of faSchemes/fvSchemes See merge request !449
- May 13, 2021
Mark OLESEN authored
- use common base for handling scheme lookups. Extended to support local injection of schemes into the dictionaries during runtime.
Mark OLESEN authored
- add const qualifiers on C() methods
Andrew Heather authored
collected changes for Lists, faces and PrimitivePatch See merge request !446
Mark OLESEN authored
- intended for the following type of use: auto oldHandler = fileHandler(fileOperation::NewUncollated()); ... do something that only works with uncollated // Restore previous (if any) if (oldHandler) { fileHandler(std::move(oldHandler)); } ENH: make fileOperation distributed(bool) mutable - use is "static-like" and akin to Pstream::parRun(bool), thus allow toggling of the switch without a const_cast
- May 12, 2021
Mark OLESEN authored
- use polyMesh::defaultRegion instead of fvMesh::defaultRegion and others via static inheritance. (92 vs ~25 occurrences)
Mark OLESEN authored
- return internalEdges() and boundaryEdges() sub lists directly - calculate and return boundaryFaces() to identify faces attached to boundary edges. - minor code cleanup, and add PrimitivePatchBase class for non-templated code. STYLE: mark unused parameter in globalMeshData mergePoints
Mark OLESEN authored
Mark OLESEN authored
- copy assignment from indirect list to SubList and Field
Mark OLESEN authored
- this constructor was added for similarity with std::vector, but continues to cause various annoyances. The main problem is that the templated parameter tends to grab anything that is not a perfect match for other constructors. Typically seen with two integers (in 64-bit mode), but various other cases as well. If required, the ListOps::create() function provides a lengthier alternative but one that can also incorporate transformations. Eg, pointField pts = ....; List<scalar> mags ( List<scalar>::create ( pts.begin(), pts.end(), [](const vector& v){ return magSqr(v); } );
Mark OLESEN authored
- improves interchangeability of List vs IndirectList
Mark OLESEN authored
- additional rcEdge(), rcEdges() methods for reverse order walk - accept generic edge() method as alternative to faceEdge() for single edge retrieval. - edge() method with points -> returns the vector - reduce the number of operations in edgeDirection methods DEFEATURE: remove longestEdge global function - deprecated and replaced by face::longestEdge() method (2017-04)
Mark OLESEN authored
Mark OLESEN authored
- gcc-4.8.5 does not respect the default parameter, thus specify format explicitly
- May 10, 2021
Mark OLESEN authored
Historically the "geometry" for static meshes was placed under directly in the EnSight case directory. Eg, ensight/ensight.case ensight/geometry ensight/data/000001 ensight/data/000002 ... This generally works ok, but relocating it to a constant data directory Eg ensight/ensight.case ensight/data/constant/geometry ensight/data/000001 ensight/data/000002 ... Improves handling and avoids potential collisions when adding in additional mesh regions
Mark OLESEN authored
- reduces code, simplifies creation of new, specialized polyData writers. - new templated vtk::GenericPatchWriter, which adds support for writing both uindirectPrimitivePatch + indirectPrimitivePatch types. - handle geometric fields separately from regular fields with * vtk:GenericPatchGeoFieldsWriter * vtk:indirectPatchGeoFieldsWriter * vtk:uindirectPatchGeoFieldsWriter
Mark OLESEN authored
- can be used for block-like meshes that are not aligned with the global coordinate directions. Alternatively, for general testing purposes. Example, method simple; coeffs { n ( 2 2 2 ); transform { origin (-0.15 0.15 0); e1 (1 1 0); e3 (0 0 1); } }
Andrew Heather authored
- May 07, 2021
Andrew Heather authored
add multi-region handling for checkMesh etc, centralized the region handling #2072 See merge request !445
Mark OLESEN authored
Step 1. include "addAllRegionOptions.H" Adds the -allRegions, -regions and -region options to argList. Step 2. include "getAllRegionOptions.H" Processes the options with -allRegions selecting everything from the regionProperties. OR use -regions to specify multiple regions (from regionProperties), and can also contain regular expressions OR use the -region option Specifying a single -regions NAME (not a regular expresssion) is the same as -region NAME and doesn't use regionProperties Creates a `wordList regionNames` Step 3. Do something with the region names. Either directly, or quite commonly with the following include "createNamedMeshes.H" Creates a `PtrList<fvMesh> meshes` STYLE: add description to some central include files
Mark OLESEN authored
- useful for establishing and preallocating a max buffer size when reading from sub-procs
- May 06, 2021
Mark OLESEN authored
Mark OLESEN authored
Mark OLESEN authored
Mark OLESEN authored
Andrew Heather authored
- Apr 29, 2021
Andrew Heather authored
improve flexiblity of IOdictionary construction, use of ITstream, Function1 See merge request !444
- Apr 27, 2021
Mark OLESEN authored
Mark OLESEN authored
- make regionName an optional constructor parameter, which eliminates a separate set of constructors and construction tables. Adjust internals to treat a missing/empty regionName as a no-op. - pass in fallback dictionary content via new IOdictionary constructor with a pointer ENH: further relax check for matching number of processor dirs - if the "numberOfSubdomains" entry is missing (or even zero) ignore checks of processor dirs as meaningless.
- Apr 26, 2021
Mark OLESEN authored
Mark OLESEN authored
- additional debug information - improve support for dictionary specification of constant, polynomial and table entries. These previously only worked properly for primitiveEntry, which causes confusion. - extend table Function1 to include TableFile functionality. Simplifies switching and modifying content.
Mark OLESEN authored
- can construct named empty dictionary directly. - removed some duplicate code
Mark OLESEN authored
- failsafe examine elements: peek(), peekFirst(), peekLast() - failsafe traversing: skip() For example, ITstream& is = dict.lookup(key); if (is.peek().isWord()) { is.skip(); }
Mark OLESEN authored
- additional default construct - add explicit zero-size constructor for ITstream. For tagged dispatching, without ambiguity - elminate mandatory name for parsing versions. This makes it easier to use ITstream, IStringStream, UListStream interchangeable.
Mark OLESEN authored
- return undefinedToken on error STYLE: fix slicing of ITstream from dictionary lookup
Mark OLESEN authored
Mark OLESEN authored
- some code used copy construct from dictionary::null instead. The result is the same but suggests that something else may be intended. Only need dictionary::null for const-ref usage.
Andrew Heather authored
ENH: DMD: refactor dynamic mode decomposition FO See merge request !440