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  1. Jul 08, 2009
  2. May 20, 2009
  3. May 19, 2009
    • Mark Olesen's avatar
      Merge commit 'OpenCFD/master' into olesenm · 7941b047
      Mark Olesen authored
    • Mark Olesen's avatar
      adjust solvers and utilities to use new argList methods · d1295da3
      Mark Olesen authored
      - also drop various unused time options from src/OpenFOAM/include
    • Mark Olesen's avatar
      argList enhancement: added convenience methods for accessing options · 724b034c
      Mark Olesen authored
      Oriented somewhat on dictionary methods.
      Return the argument string associated with the named option:
          Info<< "-foo: " << args.option("foo") << nl;
      Return true if the named option is found
          if (args.optionFound("foo")) ...
      Return an IStringStream to the named option
          old:      value = readScalar(IStringStream(args.options()["foo"])());
          newer:    value = readScalar(args.optionLookup("foo")());
          also:     List<scalar> lst(args.optionLookup("foo")());
      Read a value from the named option
          newest:   value = args.optionRead<scalar>("foo");
      Read a value from the named option if present.
          old:  if (args.options().found("foo"))
                    value = readScalar(IStringStream(args.options()["foo"])());
          new:  args.optionReadIfPresent("foo", value);
      Read a List of values from the named option
          patches = args.optionReadList<word>("patches");
      Didn't bother adding optionReadListIfPresent<T>(const word&), since it
      probably wouldn't be common anyhow.
    • graham's avatar
    • Mark Olesen's avatar
      HashTable minor iterator issues · 1d2a94c3
      Mark Olesen authored
      - made const_iterator::operator* and const_iterator::operator() const only
      - added const versions of iterator::operator* and iterator::operator()
  4. May 18, 2009
  5. May 15, 2009
  6. May 13, 2009
    • Mark Olesen's avatar
      renamed buildParaView3.5-cvs -> buildParaView and reworked · 2aec8f28
      Mark Olesen authored
      - get version from $ParaView_VERSION or from -version option
      - added QT gui support (useful when compiling enGrid)
      - update files for finding cmake-2.6.4 as well
      - added bin/engridFoam for calling a version of enGrid that uses the
        paraview libraries compiled with/for OpenFOAM
      - added foam3rdParty change directory alias
  7. May 12, 2009
  8. May 11, 2009
  9. May 08, 2009
    • Mark Olesen's avatar
      minor cleanup of turbulence models · 19d951ce
      Mark Olesen authored
      - added constructor dictionary(const dictionary*) that also handles NULL
        pointers and makes it convenient to construct from a possibly nonexistent
            dictionary dict2(dict1.subDictPtr("someDict"));
      - make some of the turbulence Coeffs sub-dictionary optional.
        Their contents are all 'lookupOrAddDefault' anyhow.
      - in turbulentMixingLength BCs, skip namespace qualifier in template
        (eg, <RASModel> vs. <compressible::RASModel>)
      - change comments from 'turbulenceProperties' to RASProperties/LESProperties
      - consistency between compressible/incompressible - no separate file for
        'New' selector etc
      - consistency in accessing the model coefficients.
        Use method coeffDict() for const access.
        Use protected data member coeffDict_ for read/write access.
      - document model coefficients in etc/constant/RASProperties.
        Need the same for LESProperties before we can prune these from the
    • Andrew Heather's avatar
    • Andrew Heather's avatar
      comment · c0fcf87c
      Andrew Heather authored
    • Mark Olesen's avatar
      bugfix fixedBlended scheme, cosmetics changes · 1c101ec1
      Mark Olesen authored
      - actually blend correction factors as well in fixedBlended scheme
      - consistency change: move 'linearUpwindV' into same directory as
        'linearUpwind', move correction code from .H into .C code.
      - minor docu format/spelling changes
      A more general question:
      - would it make more sense to use template specializations for the
        '*V' differencing schemes?
  10. May 07, 2009
  11. May 06, 2009
  12. May 05, 2009