- Nov 08, 2022
- broadcast : (replaces scatter) - combineReduce == combineGather + broadcast - listCombineReduce == listCombineGather + broadcast - mapCombineReduce == mapCombineGather + broadcast - allGatherList == gatherList + scatterList Before settling on a more consistent naming convention, some intermediate namings were used in OpenFOAM-v2206: - combineReduce (2206: combineAllGather) - listCombineReduce (2206: listCombineAllGather) - mapCombineReduce (2206: mapCombineAllGather)
Mark OLESEN authored
mattijs authored
- Nov 07, 2022
Mattijs Janssens authored
ENH: ensightToFoam: Ensight Gold mesh converter See merge request !567
mattijs authored
Andrew Heather authored
Integration of grey area turbulence models from Upstream CFD See merge request !560
Kutalmış Berçin authored
Kutalmış Berçin authored
BUG: DEShybrid: reintroduce e28bed59
Andrew Heather authored
Andrew Heather authored
Andrew Heather authored
Andrew Heather authored
Andrew Heather authored
Andrew Heather authored
Andrew Heather authored
Andrew Heather authored
- Code supplied by Marian Fuchs, Upstream CFD GmbH
Andrew Heather authored
Andrew Heather authored
Default is fe = true, yielding the original form given be Shur (2008)
Andrew Heather authored
Andrew Heather authored
Andrew Heather authored
Andrew Heather authored
- Initial code supplied by Marian Fuchs, Upstream CFD GmbH - Code cleaned/refactored/integrated by OpenCFD
Andrew Heather authored
- Initial code supplied by Marian Fuchs, Upstream CFD GmbH - Code cleaned/refactored/integrated by OpenCFD
Andrew Heather authored
- Initial code supplied by Marian Fuchs, Upstream CFD GmbH - Code cleaned/refactored/integrated by OpenCFD
Andrew Heather authored
- Initial code supplied by Marian Fuchs, Upstream CFD GmbH - Code cleaned/refactored/integrated by OpenCFD
Andrew Heather authored
- Initial code supplied by Marian Fuchs, Upstream CFD GmbH - Code cleaned/refactored/integrated by OpenCFD
Andrew Heather authored
- Initial code supplied by Marian Fuchs, Upstream CFD GmbH - Code cleaned/refactored/integrated by OpenCFD
Andrew Heather authored
- Initial code supplied by Marian Fuchs, Upstream CFD GmbH - Code cleaned/refactored/integrated by OpenCFD
Andrew Heather authored
Andrew Heather authored
- Added a new S-A base class: SpalartAllmarasBase - RAS and DES models derived from new base class - Removed code duplication
- Nov 03, 2022
Andrew Heather authored
Andrew Heather authored
- Nov 01, 2022
Kutalmış Berçin authored
- Oct 31, 2022
Mark OLESEN authored
- end_value() corresponds to the infrequently used after() method, but with naming that corresponds better to iterator naming conventions. Eg, List<Type> list = ...; labelRange range = ...; std::transform ( (list.data() + range.begin_value()), (list.data() + range.end_value()), outIter, op ); - promote min()/max() methods from labelRange to IntRange base class STYLE: change timeSelector from "is-a" to "has-a" scalarRanges.
Mark OLESEN authored
- resets min/max to be identical to the specified value, which can be more convenient (and slightly more efficient) than doing a full reset followed by add() - additional MinMax intersects() query, which works like overlaps() but with exclusive checks at the ends - provide MinMax::operator&=() to replace (unused) intersect() method ENH: single/double value reset method for boundBox - boundBox::operator&=() to replace (rarely used) intersect() method. Deprecate boundBox::intersect() to avoid confusion with various intersects() method COMP: provide triangleFwd.H
Mark OLESEN authored
- background: for some application it can be useful to have fully sorted points. i.e., sorted by x, followed by y, followed by z. The default VectorSpace 'operator<' compares *all* components. This is seen by the following comparisons 1. a = (-2.2 -3.3 -4.4) b = (-1.1 -2.2 3.3) (a < b) : True Each 'a' component is less than each 'b' component 2. a = (-2.2 -3.3 -4.4) b = (-2.2 3.3 4.4) (a < b) : False The a.x() is not less than b.x() The static definitions 'less_xyz', 'less_yzx', 'less_zxy' instead use comparison of the next components as tie breakers (like a lexicographic sort). - same type of definition that Pair and Tuple2 use. a = (-2.2 -3.3 -4.4) b = (-2.2 3.3 4.4) vector::less_xyz(a, b) : True The a.x() == b.x(), but a.y() < b.y() They can be used directly as comparators: pointField points = ...; std::sort(points.begin(), points.end(), vector::less_zxy...
Mark OLESEN authored
- useful when a characteristic per-face search dimension is required. With PrimitivePatch we are certain to have consistent evaluations of the face centre. STYLE: tag PrimitivePatch compatibility headers as such
Mark OLESEN authored
STYLE: more consistent access for uniform list/fields
Mark OLESEN authored
STYLE: combine templated/non-templated headers (reduced clutter) STYLE: use hitPoint(const point&) combined setter - same as setHit() + setPoint(const point&) ENH: expose and use labelOctBits::pack method for addressing
Mark OLESEN authored
- the old List_FOR_ALL macro only remained in use in relatively few places. Replace with the expanded equivalent and move the looping parameter out of the macro and give an explicit name (eg, loopLen) which simplifies the addition of any loop pragmas in the various TFOR_ALL... macros (for example).