- Nov 30, 2009
Mark Olesen authored
- space between keyword and bracket in 'for(..)', 'if(..)', 'while(..)'
Mark Olesen authored
- Nov 27, 2009
Mark Olesen authored
- markup codingStyleGuide.org examples so they actually indent correctly - use 'Info<<' as per codingStyleGuide instead of 'Info <<'
- Nov 26, 2009
Mark Olesen authored
- use first() method in some places as well where it helps clarity - there are a few remaining cases: git grep 'size()-1]'
- Nov 25, 2009
henry authored
This currently only runs in serial, parallelisation is worked on.
Mark Olesen authored
- Nov 24, 2009
Andrew Heather authored
- Nov 23, 2009
Mark Olesen authored
- Include Sets/Zones now scans immediately to refresh the list of available mesh parts. Unfortunately, this also causes the object panel to be modified, even although the selection doesn't acutally need to change. This seems to be due to how the pqNamedWidgets are getting the information from the proxy properties. I can't figure if it's possible to acheive what I want, but we can probably live with the current implementation. After IncludeZones, simply us 'Reset' to undo the spurious GUI changes. Works fine - just looks a bit silly. - Added 'Refresh' button to rescan for new times/fields. Good for post-processing ongoing calculations without exiting the reader. - Added 'Skip Zero Time' checkbox: many (some) calculations have data missing at time=0 (eg, rho, lagrangian, etc). This provides a convenient way to skip over this time. - Future?: We could probably pick up favourite default values for these switches from ~OpenFOAM/controlDict, from a case system/paraview, or simply by making the casename.OpenFOAM also be an OpenFOAM dictionary with the settings.
- Nov 21, 2009
mattijs authored
- Nov 20, 2009
Mark Olesen authored
- in preparation for adding an optional '-reconstruct' to a few utilities re-use as -lreconstruct library - move related stuff there too src/decompositionMethods/decompositionMethods -> src/parallel/decompositionMethods - added missing namespace qualifiers
henry authored
- Nov 19, 2009
mattijs authored
Andrew Heather authored
- Nov 18, 2009
henry authored
with the boundary motion before the fluxes are corrected for continuity by pcorr.
- Nov 17, 2009
mattijs authored
- Nov 16, 2009
henry authored
Francesco Del Citto.
- Nov 13, 2009
- Nov 12, 2009
Andrew Heather authored
- Nov 11, 2009
mattijs authored
- Nov 09, 2009
Andrew Heather authored
- Nov 04, 2009
mattijs authored
- Nov 03, 2009
Mark Olesen authored
henry authored
Mark Olesen authored
mattijs authored
mattijs authored
mattijs authored
mattijs authored
Andrew Heather authored
- Nov 02, 2009
- Oct 30, 2009
Mark Olesen authored
- iterators store pointers instead of references to the HashTbl. This lets us use the default bitwise copy/assignment - add empty constructor for iterators. It returns the equivalent to end(). This lets us do this: HashTbl<label>::iterator iter; // some time later iter = find(Value); - erase(const HashTbl<AnyType, Key, AnyHash>&) is now more generous. Only the Key type matters, not the hashing function.
Mark Olesen authored
- for the hashTableTest3, it seemed to slow things down a bit loop 0 - Erased 100000 elements (size 2900000 capacity 4194304) 0.31 s loop 1 - Erased 100000 elements (size 2800000 capacity 4194304) 0.01 s loop 2 - Erased 100000 elements (size 2700000 capacity 4194304) 0 s loop 3 - Erased 100000 elements (size 2600000 capacity 4194304) 0 s loop 4 - Erased 100000 elements (size 2500000 capacity 4194304) 0.01 s loop 5 - Erased 100000 elements (size 2400000 capacity 4194304) 0 s loop 6 - Erased 100000 elements (size 2300000 capacity 4194304) 0 s loop 7 - Erased 100000 elements (size 2200000 capacity 4194304) 0 s loop 8 - Erased 100000 elements (size 2100000 capacity 4194304) 0.01 s loop 9 - Erased 100000 elements (size 2000000 capacity 4194304) 0.44 s loop 10 - Erased 100000 elements (size 1900000 capacity 4194304) 0.44 s loop 11 - Erased 100000 elements (size 1800000 capacity 4194304) 0.39 s loop 12 - Erased 100000 elements (size 1700000 capacity 4194304) 0.4 s loop 13 - Erased 100000 elements (size 1600000 capacity 2097152) 0.15 s loop 14 - Erased 100000 elements (size 1500000 capacity 2097152) 0.01 s loop 15 - Erased 100000 elements (size 1400000 capacity 2097152) 0 s loop 16 - Erased 100000 elements (size 1300000 capacity 2097152) 0 s loop 17 - Erased 100000 elements (size 1200000 capacity 2097152) 0.01 s loop 18 - Erased 100000 elements (size 1100000 capacity 2097152) 0 s loop 19 - Erased 100000 elements (size 1000000 capacity 2097152) 0.27 s loop 20 - Erased 100000 elements (size 900000 capacity 2097152) 0.2 s loop 21 - Erased 100000 elements (size 800000 capacity 1048576) 0.1 s loop 22 - Erased 100000 elements (size 700000 capacity 1048576) 0 s loop 23 - Erased 100000 elements (size 600000 capacity 1048576) 0 s loop 24 - Erased 100000 elements (size 500000 capacity 1048576) 0.12 s loop 25 - Erased 100000 elements (size 400000 capacity 524288) 0.04 s loop 26 - Erased 100000 elements (size 300000 capacity 524288) 0.01 s loop 27 - Erased 100000 elements (size 200000 capacity 262144) 0.02 s loop 28 - Erased 100000 elements (size 100000 capacity 131072) 0.02 s loop 29 - Erased 100000 elements (size 0 capacity 2) 0 s
Mark Olesen authored
- The ideas as discussed in email - The speedup is really there. Before loop 0 - Erased 100000 elements: 3.82 s loop 1 - Erased 100000 elements: 11.45 s loop 2 - Erased 100000 elements: 19.46 s loop 3 - Erased 100000 elements: 27.73 s loop 4 - Erased 100000 elements: 38.74 s ^C After loop 0 - Erased 100000 elements (size 2900000 capacity 8388608) 0.01 s loop 1 - Erased 100000 elements (size 2800000 capacity 8388608) 0 s loop 2 - Erased 100000 elements (size 2700000 capacity 8388608) 0.01 s loop 3 - Erased 100000 elements (size 2600000 capacity 8388608) 0 s loop 4 - Erased 100000 elements (size 2500000 capacity 8388608) 0 s loop 5 - Erased 100000 elements (size 2400000 capacity 8388608) 0 s loop 6 - Erased 100000 elements (size 2300000 capacity 8388608) 0 s loop 7 - Erased 100000 elements (size 2200000 capacity 8388608) 0 s ...
Mark Olesen authored
- rename to HashTable later when it is considered stable
henry authored