- Jul 16, 2019
Mark OLESEN authored
- Feb 06, 2019
OpenFOAM bot authored
- Dec 11, 2018
Mark OLESEN authored
- Dec 13, 2018
Mark OLESEN authored
- for some special cases we wish to mark command-line arguments as being optional, in order to do our own treatment. For example, when an arbitrary number of arguments should be allowed. Now tag this situation with argList::noMandatoryArgs(). The argList::argsMandatory() query can then be used in any further logic, including the standard default argument checking. - with the new default check, can consolidate the special-purpose "setRootCaseNonMandatoryArgs.H" into the regular "setRootCase.H" - revert to a simple "setRootCase.H" and move all the listing related bits to a "setRootCaseLists.H" file. This leaves the information available for solvers, or whoever else wishes, without being introduced everywhere. - add include guards and scoping to the listing files and rename to something less generic. listOptions.H -> setRootCaseListOptions.H listOutput.H -> setRootCaseListOutput.H
- Apr 27, 2018
Mark OLESEN authored
- controlled by the the 'printExecutionFormat' InfoSwitch in etc/controlDict // Style for "ExecutionTime = " output // - 0 = seconds (with trailing 's') // - 1 = day-hh:mm:ss ExecutionTime = 112135.2 s ClockTime = 113017 s ExecutionTime = 1-07:08:55.20 ClockTime = 1-07:23:37 - Callable via the new Time::printExecutionTime() method, which also helps to reduce clutter in the applications. Eg, runTime.printExecutionTime(Info); vs Info<< "ExecutionTime = " << runTime.elapsedCpuTime() << " s" << " ClockTime = " << runTime.elapsedClockTime() << " s" << nl << endl; -- ENH: return elapsedClockTime() and clockTimeIncrement as double - previously returned as time_t, which is less portable.
- Jan 11, 2018
Andrew Heather authored
- Apr 06, 2016
Henry Weller authored
e.g. (fvc::interpolate(HbyA) & mesh.Sf()) -> fvc::flux(HbyA) This removes the need to create an intermediate face-vector field when computing fluxes which is more efficient, reduces the peak storage and improved cache coherency in addition to providing a simpler and cleaner API.
- Feb 13, 2016
Henry Weller authored
The boundary conditions of HbyA are now constrained by the new "constrainHbyA" function which applies the velocity boundary values for patches for which the velocity cannot be modified by assignment and pressure extrapolation is not specified via the new "fixedFluxExtrapolatedPressureFvPatchScalarField". The new function "constrainPressure" sets the pressure gradient appropriately for "fixedFluxPressureFvPatchScalarField" and "fixedFluxExtrapolatedPressureFvPatchScalarField" boundary conditions to ensure the evaluated flux corresponds to the known velocity values at the boundary. The "fixedFluxPressureFvPatchScalarField" boundary condition operates exactly as before, ensuring the correct flux at fixed-flux boundaries by compensating for the body forces (gravity in particular) with the pressure gradient. The new "fixedFluxExtrapolatedPressureFvPatchScalarField" boundary condition may be used for cases with or without body-forces to set the pressure gradient to compensate not only for the body-force but also the extrapolated "HbyA" which provides a second-order boundary condition for pressure. This is useful for a range a problems including impinging flow, extrapolated inlet conditions with body-forces or for highly viscous flows, pressure-induced separation etc. To test this boundary condition at walls in the motorBike tutorial case set lowerWall { type fixedFluxExtrapolatedPressure; } motorBikeGroup { type fixedFluxExtrapolatedPressure; } Currently the new extrapolated pressure boundary condition is supported for all incompressible and sub-sonic compressible solvers except those providing implicit and tensorial porosity support. The approach will be extended to cover these solvers and options in the future. Note: the extrapolated pressure boundary condition is experimental and requires further testing to assess the range of applicability, stability, accuracy etc. Henry G. Weller CFD Direct Ltd.
- Dec 03, 2015
Andrew Heather authored
- Feb 21, 2015
Henry authored
- Sep 09, 2013
- Feb 24, 2012
Henry authored
- Feb 23, 2012
Henry authored
- Aug 14, 2011
Henry authored
- Jan 19, 2011
- Jan 14, 2011
Andrew Heather authored
- Jan 07, 2011
graham authored
- Jan 05, 2011
Andrew Heather authored
This reverts commit b18f6cc1.
graham authored
- Dec 21, 2010
Mark Olesen authored
- Oct 11, 2010
Henry authored
- Jul 27, 2010
graham authored
Exception: applyWallFunctionBoundaryConditions.C cannot split #include directives.
- Mar 29, 2010
Mark Olesen authored
- Jul 01, 2009
Andrew Heather authored
- Feb 18, 2009
Mark Olesen authored
- change system/controlDict to use functions {..} instead of functions (..); * This is internally more efficient - fixed formatting of system/controlDict functions entry - pedantic change: use 'return 0' instead of 'return(0)' in the applications, since return is a C/C++ keyword, not a function.
- Feb 17, 2009
Mark Olesen authored
- this (now deprecated) idiom: for (runTime++; !runTime.end(); runTime++) { ... } has a few problems: * stop-on-next-write will be off-by-one (ie, doesn't work) * function objects are not executed on exit with runTime.end() Fixing these problems is not really possible. - this idiom while (runTime.run()) { runTime++; ... } works without the above problems.
- Dec 31, 2008
Mark Olesen authored
- Jul 27, 2008
henry authored
- Jun 25, 2008
Mark Olesen authored
Mark Olesen authored
- Apr 15, 2008
OpenFOAM-admin authored