- Dec 08, 2022
Andrew Heather authored
ENH: Evapotranspiration utilities See merge request !571
STYLE: solarLoad: replace uppercase index variables with lowercase
This change enables face zones creating shades and interacting with shades. ENH: solarLoad: initialise hit faces in ctor level
The new selection option 'outside' can be used to select faces with only one neighbour in the specified cellSet.
Andrew Heather authored
ENH: new objective functions for adjoint-based optimisation See merge request Development/openfoam!578
TUT: moved the nutSqr objective tutorial to the proper directory
- flowRate: volume flow-rate through given patches - flowRatePartition: distribution of the inlet flow-rate to certain outlet patches, with given percentages - uniformityPatch: uniformity of the velocity field at given (outlet) patches, expressed as (half) the variance of the velocity field - uniformityCellZone: same as uniformityPatch, but defined over cellZones - powerDissipation: the fluid power dissipation taking place within given cellZones. In the absence of viscous stress at the "inlets" and "outlets" of the cellZones, this corresponds to the volume flow-rate weighted total pressure losses through the cellZones ENH: updated nutSqr so it can be used with adjointkOmegaSST too
to help allocate pointers related to contributions to the adjoint turbulence model PDEs, populate them and check the validity of the cellZones provided for cellZone-based objectives
Andrew Heather authored
ENH: Added new parallelFvGeometryScheme See merge request Development/openfoam!576
- Dec 07, 2022
mattijs authored
Kutalmış Berçin authored
Kutalmış Berçin authored
REVERT: add heuristic handling of tensor-field inverses - simplify algorithm
Kutalmış Berçin authored
- Dec 01, 2022
Mark OLESEN authored
Mark OLESEN authored
- was already included in many places (via UList.C templates), but now formalise by placing in stdFoam.H
Mark OLESEN authored
- more standard naming than peekFront() etc
Mark OLESEN authored
- eg, for user MPI operations that are to be tracked separately
Mark OLESEN authored
Andrew Heather authored
ENH: Brun dripping film injection See merge request Development/openfoam!580
Andrew Heather authored
ENH: KinematicSurfaceFilm: add option to specify interacting parcel types See merge request !581
This pack adds a new entry 'parcelTypes' which can specify the list of parcel type IDs interacting with a surface film. If the entry is omitted, all particle types are considered. ``` surfaceFilmModel kinematicSurfaceFilm; kinematicSurfaceFilmCoeffs { interactionType absorb; // Optional list of participating parcel IDs parcelTypes (10); } ``` To set the parcel type by injector, 'injectorID' entry can be used when specifying the injector models, e.g. ``` injectionModels { model1 { type <injectionModelType>; // Optional injector ID // - if ommitted, parcels use '-1' injectorID 10; ... } } ```
Andrew Heather authored
ENH: leastSquaresEdgeInterpolation: new edge interpolation method See merge request !575
Andrew Heather authored
Cleaner separation global/local/self communication, cleaner responsibility for fileHandler ownership See merge request !582
- make fileHandler deletion mechanism more transparent by providing a nullptr signature. A nullptr parameter is already being used in the argList destructor for shutdown, but that relied on an implicit conversion to autoPtr to trigger things. - improved handling of file handler replacement. Previously had a very basic check on old vs new handlers using their type() values (string comparison!!), which would unfortunately prevent proper swapping of the contents. Check the actual pointers instead. As part of the change, treat any empty autoPtr as no-op instead of as deletion (which is handled explicitly as nullptr instead). In addition to making the internal logic simpler, it means that the current file handler always changes to a valid state without inadvertently removing everything and falling back to creating a new default handler (again). This handling of no-ops also simplifies call code. For example, <code> autoPtr<fileHandler> oldHandler; autoPtr<fileHandler> writeHandler; word handlerName; if (arg.readIfPresent("writeHandler", handlerName)) { writeHandler = fileOperation::New(handlerName); } oldHandler = fileHandler(std::move(writeHandler)); ... do something writeHandler = fileHandler(std::move(oldHandler)); </code> If the "writeHandler" is not specified, each call is a no-op. If it is specified, the handlers are swapped out each time. - the management of the fileHandler communicators is now encapsulated privately (managedComm_) with the final layer being responsible for cleaning up after itself. This makes delegation/inheritance clearer and avoids the risk of freeing an MPI communicator twice. STYLE: uniformFile static check relocated to fileOperation layer
- UPstream::globalComm constant always refers to MPI_COMM_WORLD but UPstream::worldComm could be MPI_COMM_WORLD (single world) or a dedicated local communicator (for multi-world). - provide a Pstream wrapped version of MPI_COMM_SELF, references as UPstream::selfComm - UPstream::isUserComm(label) test for additional user-defined communicators
Andrew Heather authored
ENH: inv: fall back to pseudo-inverse for singular tensors See merge request !574
- Nov 30, 2022
Kutalmış Berçin authored
- remove heuristic handling of tensor-field inverses
Andrew Heather authored
Kutalmış Berçin authored
- Nov 29, 2022
mattijs authored
Curvature detection was switched on even without curvatureLevel switched on. Now reverts to v2206 behaviour.