- Apr 29, 2019
Mark OLESEN authored
Mark OLESEN authored
- Apr 28, 2019
Mark OLESEN authored
- Eg, with surface writers now in surfMesh, there are fewer libraries depending on conversion and sampling. COMP: regularize linkage ordering and avoid some implicit linkage (#1238)
- Apr 26, 2019
Mark OLESEN authored
- change internal naming from 'EXE_EXT' to 'EXT_EXE' for symmetry with 'EXT_SO'
- Apr 16, 2019
Mark OLESEN authored
- fix typo in makefiles/info that affected wmake -show-compile-c - additional safeguard in src/OpenFOAM/Make/options against self-linking. This is not normally required unless PROJECT_LIBS has been added into the link stage.
- Apr 12, 2019
Mark OLESEN authored
- replace (darwin) with (__APPLE__) - replace (solarisGcc) with (__sun__ && __GNUC__) - instead of 'darwin' -> '__APPLE' - cease with passing a -D$(WM_ARCH) define since this adds no useful additional information and isn't used anywhere. Reference http://nadeausoftware.com/articles/2012/01/c_c_tip_how_use_compiler_predefined_macros_detect_operating_system -- COMP: Extend size disambiguation on long (#1238)
Mark OLESEN authored
Mark OLESEN authored
- allows better separation from compiler settings - use -fPIC instead of legacy -KPIC for intel compiler
Mark OLESEN authored
solaris: - rename WM_ARCH from SunOS to solaris64 for consistency with wmake/rules - drop non-64 solaris from wmake/rules - remove automatic selection of FJMPI. This should be done in the bashrc or prefs.sh file instead. - remove old (likely inaccurate) exported flags, rely on wmake -show-xyz or user config instead darwin: - remove '-Ddarwin' from the exported WM_CFLAGS, WM_CXXFLAGS. Not used elsewhere (ThirdParty)
- Apr 10, 2019
Mark OLESEN authored
Mark OLESEN authored
- Apr 05, 2019
Mark OLESEN authored
- with the wmake rules we may have some compiler options bound to the internal compiler variable. For example, CC = g++ -std=c++11 -m64 c++FLAGS = ... So shift any flags from CC to CXXFLAGS for the output of 'wmake -show-cxx', 'wmake -show-cxxflags', etc. This makes it much easier to handle the values correctly elsewhere. Eg, CXX="$(wmake -show-cxx)" CXXFLAGS="$(wmake -show-cxxflags)" \ ./configure
Mark OLESEN authored
- provide dedicated detection 'have_ptscotch' function that can be used after the 'have_scotch' function. It sets the PTSCOTCH_ARCH_PATH, PTSCOTCH_INC_DIR, PTSCOTCH_LIB_DIR and helps when the serial and parallel versions are located with different logic.
- Apr 03, 2019
Mark OLESEN authored
- add an additional test for wmake pre-processing
- Apr 01, 2019
Mark OLESEN authored
- can be useful for retrieving the compilation flags for use with other make systems (eg, cmake) * wmake -show-compile (C++ not C) * wmake -show-cxx * wmake -show-cxxflags
- Mar 14, 2019
Mark OLESEN authored
- relocates some logic from makefiles/general into platform-specific overrides
- Mar 11, 2019
Mark OLESEN authored
Mark OLESEN authored
- Mar 01, 2019
Mark OLESEN authored
Mark OLESEN authored
- with -mcpu=native for automatic detection and -armpl for linking in the performance libraries STYLE: relocate -mcpu into compiler instead of compiler-flags (#1225)
Mark OLESEN authored
- with -mcpu=native for automatic detection and -armpl for linking in the performance libraries
- Jan 28, 2019
Mark OLESEN authored
- in addition to managing different vendors and versions, it may also be necessary or desirable to have a particular variant (eg, profiling, release, etc). Devise a new meaningful name for the variant and create a corresponding wmake rule. Eg, SYSTEMOPENMPI-profiling with a corresponding "wmake/rules/linux64Gcc/mplibSYSTEMOPENMPI-profiling" file that has suitable content for your system. CONFIG: intel-mpi use intel64/ paths only for config and wmake rules (#1153) - previously adjusted the config files, but missed the changes required for the wmake rules too. Now simply migrate to using "intel64/{include,bin,lib}" instead of the older naming "{include,bin,lib}64" These changes work since at least intel-mpi 2015 (5.x), but possibly earlier as well
- Jan 10, 2019
Mark OLESEN authored
- was WM_PROJECT_API in the environment and FOAM_API in dictionaries. Make these both consistently FOAM_API. This is a non-breaking change, since the value of WM_PROJECT_API (added in 1812) and/or FOAM_API is purely informative. For the current correct values, always use * foamEtcFile -show-api * wmakeBuildInfo -show-api
- Feb 14, 2019
Mark OLESEN authored
- Note: mpich now builds libmpi.so instead of libmpich.so - define both -DMPICH_SKIP_MPICXX and -DOMPI_SKIP_MPICXX regardless of using openmpi or mpich. This simplifies the files and does not harm.
- Feb 06, 2019
OpenFOAM bot authored
Mark OLESEN authored
- objectRegistry search, erase methods - clip, minMax - function object triggering ...
- Jan 26, 2019
Mark OLESEN authored
- older emacs tools into legacy - old process tools * Less frequently used scripts into bin/tools/ - findEmptyMake - foamAllHC - foamUpdateCaseFileHeader * Infrastructure file (only used by foamNewApp) - wmake/wmakeFilesAndOptions -> wmake/scripts/wmakeFilesAndOptions * Merge wmakeRoot convenience as 'wmake -pwd' * Remove obsolete wmakePrintBuild (superseded by wmakeBuildInfo) * Remove unused mergeHistory file
- Jan 25, 2019
Mark OLESEN authored
- instead of WM_COMPILER=GccKNL WM_COMPILE_OPTION=Opt -> linux64GccKNLDPInt32Opt now specify WM_COMPILER=Gcc WM_COMPILE_OPTION=OptKNL -> linux64GccDPInt32OptKNL This makes it easier (and more obvious) for adding different tweaks without needing to generate too many files. Eg, cd wmake/rules/linux64Gcc cp cOpt cOptBdw cp c++Opt c++OptBdw edit these two files and then use WM_COMPILE_OPTION=OptBdw CONFIG: provide some default c/c++ flags in General compiler rules - can make is easier when deriving new compile options, and ensures that '-02' is enabled as an initial default.
Mark OLESEN authored
- finds the correct root directory location before creating the lnInclude directory Eg, from within something like src/finiteVolume/fields/fvPatchFields/.. wmakeLnInclude -update -root it backtracks to find the top-level directory with Make/ and makes the lnInclude directory there: Using /home/mark/openfoam/OpenFOAM-plus/src/finiteVolume ln: /home/mark/openfoam/OpenFOAM-plus/src/finiteVolume/lnInclude
- Jan 23, 2019
Mark OLESEN authored
- was for parallel compilation across multiple hosts, but less useful with modern CPUs with higher number of cores and/or hyperthreading. Fragile use and dependent on a 'lockfile' utility that is not often installed.
- Jan 21, 2019
Mark OLESEN authored
- Jan 18, 2019
Mark OLESEN authored
- Jan 10, 2019
Mark OLESEN authored
- use local 'prefix' variable for easier override and more consistency
Mark OLESEN authored
- was WM_PROJECT_API in the environment and FOAM_API in dictionaries. Make these both consistently FOAM_API. This is a non-breaking change, since the value of WM_PROJECT_API (added in 1812) and/or FOAM_API is purely informative. For the current correct values, always use * foamEtcFile -show-api * wmakeBuildInfo -show-api
- Jan 06, 2019
Mark OLESEN authored
- looks slightly messier without associative arrays, but improves portability. Should now also work with dash. STYLE: support wmakeBuildInfo -cmp and -check options as equivalent
- Jan 02, 2019
Mark OLESEN authored
- backend settings for scan-build
Mark OLESEN authored
STYLE: generalize rule for obtaining compiler stem
- Dec 15, 2018
Mark OLESEN authored
- primarily for handling cmake replacement libraries
- Dec 13, 2018
mattijs authored
- Dec 10, 2018
Mark OLESEN authored