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  1. Dec 04, 2023
  2. Nov 21, 2023
  3. Jun 28, 2023
  4. Dec 21, 2022
  5. Jun 24, 2022
  6. Jun 08, 2022
  7. Dec 20, 2021
  8. Dec 10, 2021
  9. Dec 09, 2021
  10. Sep 01, 2021
  11. Jun 28, 2021
  12. May 26, 2021
  13. Mar 15, 2021
    • mattijs's avatar
      BUG: redistributePar: single-step. See #1211 · db343351
      mattijs authored
      - override casename, procesorCase flags to guarantee reconstructed
      case to be written to the undecomposed directory
      - alternative is to construct a Zero mesh on the undecomposed
      runTime and add all other bits to that but that has not been
  14. Dec 23, 2020
  15. Oct 28, 2020
  16. Jun 29, 2020
  17. Dec 23, 2019
  18. Nov 13, 2019
  19. Nov 06, 2019
  20. Jun 25, 2019
  21. Dec 19, 2018
  22. Dec 14, 2018
  23. Dec 13, 2018
  24. Nov 21, 2018
  25. Oct 01, 2018
    • Mark OLESEN's avatar
      ENH: improve, simplify, rationalize coordinate system handling (issue #863) · 6697bb47
      Mark OLESEN authored
      Previously the coordinate system functionality was split between
      coordinateSystem and coordinateRotation. The coordinateRotation stored
      the rotation tensor and handled all tensor transformations.
      The functionality has now been revised and consolidated into the
      coordinateSystem classes. The sole purpose of coordinateRotation
      is now just to provide a selectable mechanism of how to define the
      rotation tensor (eg, axis-angle, euler angles, local axes) for user
      input, but after providing the appropriate rotation tensor it has
      no further influence on the transformations.
      The coordinateSystem class now contains an origin and a base rotation
      tensor directly and various transformation methods.
        - The origin represents the "shift" for a local coordinate system.
        - The base rotation tensor represents the "tilt" or orientation
          of the local coordinate system in general (eg, for mapping
          positions), but may require position-dependent tensors when
          transforming vectors and tensors.
      For some coordinate systems (currently the cylindrical coordinate system),
      the rotation tensor required for rotating a vector or tensor is
      The new coordinateSystem and its derivates (cartesian, cylindrical,
      indirect) now provide a uniform() method to define if the rotation
      tensor is position dependent/independent.
      The coordinateSystem transform and invTransform methods are now
      available in two-parameter forms for obtaining position-dependent
      rotation tensors. Eg,
            ... = cs.transform(globalPt, someVector);
      In some cases it can be useful to use query uniform() to avoid
      storage of redundant values.
            if (cs.uniform())
                vector xx = cs.transform(someVector);
                List<vector> xx = cs.transform(manyPoints, someVector);
      Support transform/invTransform for common data types:
         (scalar, vector, sphericalTensor, symmTensor, tensor).
        Breaking Changes
      - These changes to coordinate systems and rotations may represent
        a breaking change for existing user coding.
      - Relocating the rotation tensor into coordinateSystem itself means
        that the coordinate system 'R()' method now returns the rotation
        directly instead of the coordinateRotation. The method name 'R()'
        was chosen for consistency with other low-level entities (eg,
        The following changes will be needed in coding:
            Old:  tensor rot = cs.R().R();
            New:  tensor rot = cs.R();
            Old:  cs.R().transform(...);
            New:  cs.transform(...);
        Accessing the runTime selectable coordinateRotation
        has moved to the rotation() method:
            Old:  Info<< "Rotation input: " << cs.R() << nl;
            New:  Info<< "Rotation input: " << cs.rotation() << nl;
      - Naming consistency changes may also cause code to break.
            Old:  transformVector()
            New:  transformPrincipal()
        The old method name transformTensor() now simply becomes transform().
        New methods
      For operations requiring caching of the coordinate rotations, the
      'R()' method can be used with multiple input points:
             tensorField rots(cs.R(somePoints));
         and later
             Foam::transformList(rots, someVectors);
      The rotation() method can also be used to change the rotation tensor
      via a new coordinateRotation definition (issue #879).
      The new methods transformPoint/invTransformPoint provide
      transformations with an origin offset using Cartesian for both local
      and global points. These can be used to determine the local position
      based on the origin/rotation without interpreting it as a r-theta-z
      value, for example.
        Input format
      - Streamline dictionary input requirements
        * The default type is cartesian.
        * The default rotation type is the commonly used axes rotation
          specification (with e1/e2/3), which is assumed if the 'rotation'
          sub-dictionary does not exist.
          Compact specification:
                  origin  (0 0 0);
                  e2      (0 1 0);
                  e3      (0.5 0 0.866025);
          Full specification (also accepts the longer 'coordinateRotation'
          sub-dictionary name):
                  type    cartesian;
                  origin  (0 0 0);
                      type    axes;
                      e2      (0 1 0);
                      e3      (0.5 0 0.866025);
         This simplifies the input for many cases.
      - Additional rotation specification 'none' (an identity rotation):
                origin  (0 0 0);
                rotation { type none; }
      - Additional rotation specification 'axisAngle', which is similar
        to the -rotate-angle option for transforming points (issue #660).
        For some cases this can be more intuitive.
        For example,
                type    axisAngle;
                axis    (0 1 0);
                angle   30;
                type    axes;
                e2      (0 1 0);
                e3      (0.5 0 0.866025);
      - shorter names (or older longer names) for the coordinate rotation
           euler         EulerRotation
           starcd        STARCDRotation
           axes          axesRotation
        Coding Style
      - use Foam::coordSystem namespace for categories of coordinate systems
        (cartesian, cylindrical, indirect). This reduces potential name
        clashes and makes a clearer declaration. Eg,
            coordSystem::cartesian csys_;
        The older names (eg, cartesianCS, etc) remain available via typedefs.
      - added coordinateRotations namespace for better organization and
        reduce potential name clashes.
  26. Jun 28, 2018
  27. Apr 18, 2018
  28. Jul 06, 2018
  29. Nov 09, 2017
    • Mark OLESEN's avatar
      ENH: region-wise decomposition specification for decomposeParDict · a9ffcab5
      Mark OLESEN authored
        Within decomposeParDict, it is now possible to specify a different
        decomposition method, methods coefficients or number of subdomains
        for each region individually.
        The top-level numberOfSubdomains remains mandatory, since this
        specifies the number of domains for the entire simulation.
        The individual regions may use the same number or fewer domains.
        Any optional method coefficients can be specified in a general
        "coeffs" entry or a method-specific one, eg "metisCoeffs".
        For multiLevel, only the method-specific "multiLevelCoeffs" dictionary
        is used, and is also mandatory.
      ENH: shortcut specification for multiLevel.
        In addition to the longer dictionary form, it is also possible to
        use a shorter notation for multiLevel decomposition when the same
        decomposition method applies to each level.
  30. Oct 05, 2017
  31. Oct 12, 2017
  32. Aug 03, 2017
    • Mark OLESEN's avatar
      TUT: use general 'scale' instead of 'convertToMeters' in blockMeshDict · c2a0663c
      Mark OLESEN authored
      - although this has been supported for many years, the tutorials
        continued to use "convertToMeters" entry, which is specific to blockMesh.
        The "scale" is more consistent with other dictionaries.
      - ignore "scale 0;" (treat as no scaling) for blockMeshDict,
        consistent with use elsewhere.
  33. Jun 21, 2017
  34. Jul 07, 2017
    • Andrew Heather's avatar
      INT: Integration of Mattijs' collocated parallel IO additions · d8d6030a
      Andrew Heather authored
      Original commit message:
      Parallel IO: New collated file format
      When an OpenFOAM simulation runs in parallel, the data for decomposed fields and
      mesh(es) has historically been stored in multiple files within separate
      directories for each processor.  Processor directories are named 'processorN',
      where N is the processor number.
      This commit introduces an alternative "collated" file format where the data for
      each decomposed field (and mesh) is collated into a single file, which is
      written and read on the master processor.  The files are stored in a single
      directory named 'processors'.
      The new format produces significantly fewer files - one per field, instead of N
      per field.  For large parallel cases, this avoids the restriction on the number
      of open files imposed by the operating system limits.
      The file writing can be threaded allowing the simulation to continue running
      while the data is being written to file.  NFS (Network File System) is not
      needed when using the the collated format and additionally, there is an option
      to run without NFS with the original uncollated approach, known as
      The controls for the file handling are in the OptimisationSwitches of
          //- Parallel IO file handler
          //  uncollated (default), collated or masterUncollated
          fileHandler uncollated;
          //- collated: thread buffer size for queued file writes.
          //  If set to 0 or not sufficient for the file size threading is not used.
          //  Default: 2e9
          maxThreadFileBufferSize 2e9;
          //- masterUncollated: non-blocking buffer size.
          //  If the file exceeds this buffer size scheduled transfer is used.
          //  Default: 2e9
          maxMasterFileBufferSize 2e9;
      When using the collated file handling, memory is allocated for the data in the
      thread.  maxThreadFileBufferSize sets the maximum size of memory in bytes that
      is allocated.  If the data exceeds this size, the write does not use threading.
      When using the masterUncollated file handling, non-blocking MPI communication
      requires a sufficiently large memory buffer on the master node.
      maxMasterFileBufferSize sets the maximum size in bytes of the buffer.  If the
      data exceeds this size, the system uses scheduled communication.
      The installation defaults for the fileHandler choice, maxThreadFileBufferSize
      and maxMasterFileBufferSize (set in etc/controlDict) can be over-ridden within
      the case controlDict file, like other parameters.  Additionally the fileHandler
      can be set by:
      - the "-fileHandler" command line argument;
      - a FOAM_FILEHANDLER environment variable.
      A foamFormatConvert utility allows users to convert files between the collated
      and uncollated formats, e.g.
          mpirun -np 2 foamFormatConvert -parallel -fileHandler uncollated
      An example case demonstrating the file handling methods is provided in:
      The work was undertaken by Mattijs Janssens, in collaboration with Henry Weller.
  35. May 18, 2017
  36. Nov 01, 2016
  37. Sep 05, 2016
    • Henry Weller's avatar
      PBiCGStab: New preconditioned bi-conjugate gradient stabilized solver for asymmetric lduMatrices · 0857f479
      Henry Weller authored
      using a run-time selectable preconditioner
          Van der Vorst, H. A. (1992).
          Bi-CGSTAB: A fast and smoothly converging variant of Bi-CG
          for the solution of nonsymmetric linear systems.
          SIAM Journal on scientific and Statistical Computing, 13(2), 631-644.
          Barrett, R., Berry, M. W., Chan, T. F., Demmel, J., Donato, J.,
          Dongarra, J., Eijkhout, V., Pozo, R., Romine, C. & Van der Vorst, H.
          Templates for the solution of linear systems:
          building blocks for iterative methods
          (Vol. 43). Siam.
      See also:
      Tests have shown that PBiCGStab with the DILU preconditioner is more
      robust, reliable and shows faster convergence (~2x) than PBiCG with
      DILU, in particular in parallel where PBiCG occasionally diverges.
      This remarkable improvement over PBiCG prompted the update of all
      tutorial cases currently using PBiCG to use PBiCGStab instead.  If any
      issues arise with this update please report on Mantis:
  38. Jun 27, 2016
  39. Jun 13, 2016