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Snippets Groups Projects
  1. Jun 14, 2017
    • mattijs's avatar
      Squashed commit of the following: · 7e6faf04
      mattijs authored
      commit 510b9353f8cb932a87f1588b17a4dea230c29d3c
      Author: mattijs <mattijs>
      Date:   Wed Jun 14 16:36:35 2017 +0100
          ENH: timeControl: propagate time-change logic from Time.C
      commit 6dc57a8f1e0e7605ea819deb6f11dd4b7874ff30
      Author: mattijs <mattijs>
      Date:   Thu Jun 1 11:28:56 2017 +0100
          ENH: timeControl: cleanup; avoid division by zero
      commit 5ac4bc2dd8c1f4676eef9d7a03215caba23a2e19
      Author: mattijs <mattijs>
      Date:   Wed May 31 12:04:52 2017 +0100
          ENH: timeControl: allow ramping down as well as up.
      commit a6b2db9e791f29258f04f3a9cbd6354aa468977d
      Author: mattijs <mattijs>
      Date:   Wed May 17 15:29:22 2017 +0100
          ENH: timeControl: limit any timestep change if deltaTCoeff enabled.
      commit 004115ee03a6637ae0d23cce303a30d1b3af046f
      Author: mattijs <mattijs>
      Date:   Wed May 17 11:40:26 2017 +0100
          ENH: setTimeStep: have timeStart, timeEnd controls on time step adjustment.
          Also added smoothly varying time step change (through optional deltaTCoeff)
  2. Mar 20, 2017
  3. Oct 20, 2016
  4. Sep 30, 2016
  5. Sep 27, 2016
  6. Jun 13, 2016
  7. May 28, 2016
    • Henry Weller's avatar
      postProcessing: Replaced 'foamCalc' and the 'postCalc' utilities · e4dc50dc
      Henry Weller authored
      with the more general and flexible 'postProcess' utility and '-postProcess' solver option
      Both the 'postProcess' utility and '-postProcess' solver option use the
      same extensive set of functionObjects available for data-processing
      during the run avoiding the substantial code duplication necessary for
      the 'foamCalc' and 'postCalc' utilities and simplifying maintenance.
      Additionally consistency is guaranteed between solver data processing
      and post-processing.
      The functionObjects have been substantially re-written and generalized
      to simplify development and encourage contribution.
      An extensive set of simple functionObject configuration files are
      provided in
      and more will be added in the future.  These can either be copied into
      '<case>/system' directory and included into the 'controlDict.functions'
      sub-dictionary or included directly from 'etc/caseDicts/postProcessing'
      using the '#includeEtc' directive or the new and more convenient
      '#includeFunc' directive which searches the
      '<etc>/caseDicts/postProcessing' directories for the selected
      functionObject, e.g.
          #includeFunc Q
          #includeFunc Lambda2
      '#includeFunc' first searches the '<case>/system' directory in case
      there is a local configuration.
      Description of #includeFunc
          Specify a functionObject dictionary file to include, expects the
          functionObject name to follow (without quotes).
          Search for functionObject dictionary file in
          user/group/shipped directories.
          The search scheme allows for version-specific and
          version-independent files using the following hierarchy:
          - \b user settings:
            - ~/.OpenFOAM/\<VERSION\>/caseDicts/postProcessing
            - ~/.OpenFOAM/caseDicts/postProcessing
          - \b group (site) settings (when $WM_PROJECT_SITE is set):
            - $WM_PROJECT_SITE/\<VERSION\>/caseDicts/postProcessing
            - $WM_PROJECT_SITE/caseDicts/postProcessing
          - \b group (site) settings (when $WM_PROJECT_SITE is not set):
            - $WM_PROJECT_INST_DIR/site/\<VERSION\>/caseDicts/postProcessing
            - $WM_PROJECT_INST_DIR/site/caseDicts/postProcessing
          - \b other (shipped) settings:
            - $WM_PROJECT_DIR/etc/caseDicts/postProcessing
          An example of the \c \#includeFunc directive:
              #includeFunc <funcName>
      The 'postProcess' utility and '-postProcess' solver option provide the
      same set of controls to execute functionObjects after the run either by
      reading a specified set of fields to process in the case of
      'postProcess' or by reading all fields and models required to start the
      run in the case of '-postProcess' for each selected time:
      postProcess -help
      Usage: postProcess [OPTIONS]
        -case <dir>       specify alternate case directory, default is the cwd
        -constant         include the 'constant/' dir in the times list
        -dict <file>      read control dictionary from specified location
        -field <name>     specify the name of the field to be processed, e.g. U
        -fields <list>    specify a list of fields to be processed, e.g. '(U T p)' -
                          regular expressions not currently supported
        -func <name>      specify the name of the functionObject to execute, e.g. Q
        -funcs <list>     specify the names of the functionObjects to execute, e.g.
                          '(Q div(U))'
        -latestTime       select the latest time
        -newTimes         select the new times
                          do not execute functionObjects
        -noZero           exclude the '0/' dir from the times list, has precedence
                          over the -withZero option
        -parallel         run in parallel
        -region <name>    specify alternative mesh region
        -roots <(dir1 .. dirN)>
                          slave root directories for distributed running
        -time <ranges>    comma-separated time ranges - eg, ':10,20,40:70,1000:'
        -srcDoc           display source code in browser
        -doc              display application documentation in browser
        -help             print the usage
       pimpleFoam -postProcess -help
      Usage: pimpleFoam [OPTIONS]
        -case <dir>       specify alternate case directory, default is the cwd
        -constant         include the 'constant/' dir in the times list
        -dict <file>      read control dictionary from specified location
        -field <name>     specify the name of the field to be processed, e.g. U
        -fields <list>    specify a list of fields to be processed, e.g. '(U T p)' -
                          regular expressions not currently supported
        -func <name>      specify the name of the functionObject to execute, e.g. Q
        -funcs <list>     specify the names of the functionObjects to execute, e.g.
                          '(Q div(U))'
        -latestTime       select the latest time
        -newTimes         select the new times
                          do not execute functionObjects
        -noZero           exclude the '0/' dir from the times list, has precedence
                          over the -withZero option
        -parallel         run in parallel
        -postProcess      Execute functionObjects only
        -region <name>    specify alternative mesh region
        -roots <(dir1 .. dirN)>
                          slave root directories for distributed running
        -time <ranges>    comma-separated time ranges - eg, ':10,20,40:70,1000:'
        -srcDoc           display source code in browser
        -doc              display application documentation in browser
        -help             print the usage
      The functionObjects to execute may be specified on the command-line
      using the '-func' option for a single functionObject or '-funcs' for a
      list, e.g.
      postProcess -func Q
      postProcess -funcs '(div(U) div(phi))'
      In the case of 'Q' the default field to process is 'U' which is
      specified in and read from the configuration file but this may be
      overridden thus:
      postProcess -func 'Q(Ua)'
      as is done in the example above to calculate the two forms of the divergence of
      the velocity field.  Additional fields which the functionObjects may depend on
      can be specified using the '-field' or '-fields' options.
      The 'postProcess' utility can only be used to execute functionObjects which
      process fields present in the time directories.  However, functionObjects which
      depend on fields obtained from models, e.g. properties derived from turbulence
      models can be executed using the '-postProcess' of the appropriate solver, e.g.
      pisoFoam -postProcess -func PecletNo
      sonicFoam -postProcess -func MachNo
      In this case all required fields will have already been read so the '-field' or
      '-fields' options are not be needed.
      Henry G. Weller
      CFD Direct Ltd.