- Dec 22, 2017
sergio authored
sergio authored
Andrew Heather authored
Computes the heat transfer coefficient [W/m2/K] using a run-time selectable model: - ReynoldsAnalogy - fixedReferenceTemperature - localReferenceTemperature
Andrew Heather authored
Andrew Heather authored
Mark OLESEN authored
Andrew Heather authored
Mark OLESEN authored
Mark OLESEN authored
- was using system/decomposeParDict and ignoring the command-line option.
sergio authored
further investigation on the consequences on dynamic mesh for compressibleInterDyMFoam. alphaSuSp.H has to be added in the solver folder in order to make it compatible with the alpha Eq.
- Dec 21, 2017
sergio authored
Fixing fvOption in multiphase/reactingTwoPhaseEulerFoam/laminar/steamInjection
sergio authored
NOTE: The radiative flux (qr) is positive when the heat flux is going into the wall, this is oposite the the he flux which is positive going out of the wall.
sergio authored
sergio authored
sergio authored
Mark OLESEN authored
Mark OLESEN authored
Mark OLESEN authored
- removed some unneeded tutorial files
Mark OLESEN authored
- add some notes about 'git submodule' in modules/README.md
- Dec 19, 2017
Andrew Heather authored
- Dec 21, 2017
mattijs authored
mattijs authored
mattijs authored
mattijs authored
mattijs authored
Andrew Heather authored
Andrew Heather authored
Updated noise fft handling via fftw See merge request OpenFOAM-plus!186
Andrew Heather authored
The characteristics of the base scheme are recovered by applying an explicit correction to the upwind scheme weights. Usage Example of the \c deferredCorrection scheme applied to the \c linear scheme: \verbatim divSchemes { . . div(phi,U) Gauss deferredCorrection linear; . . } \endverbatim Based on a generalised form of a deferred correction linear scheme supplied by CFD Software E+F GmbH
- Dec 20, 2017
sergio authored
avoid unphysical 'fixedValue' at boundaries
Andrew Heather authored
sergio authored
mattijs authored
Andrew Heather authored
Based on the reference: Spalart, P. R. and Rumsey, C. L. (2007). Effective Inflow Conditions for Turbulence Models in Aerodynamic Calculations AIAA Journal, 45(10), 2544 - 2553. The decay control default is off for backwards compatibility. To enable it, add the following to the coefficients dictionary // Optional decay control decayControl yes; kInf \<far-field k value\>; omegaInf \<far-field omega value\>;
- Dec 19, 2017
sergio authored
Modifying relaxation factors for the angledDuct for rhoPimpleFoam
sergio authored
sergio authored
sergio authored
Mark OLESEN authored
- regression introduced by part of commit 2787a866. Specifically the way that scalarRanges is written, it parses through until it hits invalid input. This works fine with an IStringStream, but the ITstream is pickier and reports this as being an error. So revert to IStringStream and be less picky about argList parsing. in the longer-term, should fix scalarRanges instead.
Andrew Heather authored