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Snippets Groups Projects
  1. Mar 28, 2017
  2. Mar 27, 2017
  3. Mar 24, 2017
  4. Mar 23, 2017
  5. Mar 22, 2017
  6. Mar 21, 2017
  7. Mar 20, 2017
  8. Mar 18, 2017
  9. Mar 17, 2017
    • Will Bainbridge's avatar
    • Will Bainbridge's avatar
      PatchInteractionModel: Skip application of patch interaction model for · dc5a8671
      Will Bainbridge authored
      coupled patches, to prevent rebound/stick/etc... on these patches. Also
      added "none" interaction type to LocalInteraction, which reverts the
      patch interaction to the fundamental behaviour. This is primarily useful
      for non-coupled constraint types.
    • Chris Greenshields's avatar
      pitzDaily tutorials: updated blockMeshDict files to use multi-grading · 6f5caf28
      Chris Greenshields authored
      The pitzDaily case uses a lot of mesh grading close to walls and the shear layer.
      Prior to v2.4, blockMesh only permitted grading in one direction within a single block,
      so the pitzDaily mesh comprised of 13 blocks to accommodate the complex grading pattern.
      blockMesh has multi-grading that allows users to divide a block in a given direction and
      apply different grading within each division.  The mesh generated with blockMesh using
      13 blocks has been replaced with a mesh of 5 blocks that use multi-grading.  The new
      blockMeshDict configuration produces a mesh very similar to the original 13-block mesh.
    • Will Bainbridge's avatar
    • Will Bainbridge's avatar
      reactingMultiphaseEulerFoam: Ensure that an unordered phase pair gets · d401f1cf
      Will Bainbridge authored
      generated whenever a BlendedInterfacialModel is created.
      Resolves bug-report
    • Henry Weller's avatar
      combustionModels::EDC: New Eddy Dissipation Concept (EDC) turbulent combustion model · dd154781
      Henry Weller authored
      including support for TDAC and ISAT for efficient chemistry calculation.
          Eddy Dissipation Concept (EDC) turbulent combustion model.
          This model considers that the reaction occurs in the regions of the flow
          where the dissipation of turbulence kinetic energy takes place (fine
          structures). The mass fraction of the fine structures and the mean residence
          time are provided by an energy cascade model.
          There are many versions and developments of the EDC model, 4 of which are
          currently supported in this implementation: v1981, v1996, v2005 and
          v2016.  The model variant is selected using the optional \c version entry in
          the \c EDCCoeffs dictionary, \eg
                  version v2016;
          The default version is \c v2015 if the \c version entry is not specified.
          Model versions and references:
              Version v2005:
                  Cgamma = 2.1377
                  Ctau = 0.4083
                  kappa = gammaL^exp1 / (1 - gammaL^exp2),
                  where exp1 = 2, and exp2 = 2.
                  Magnussen, B. F. (2005, June).
                  The Eddy Dissipation Concept -
                  A Bridge Between Science and Technology.
                  In ECCOMAS thematic conference on computational combustion
                  (pp. 21-24).
              Version v1981:
                  Changes coefficients exp1 = 3 and exp2 = 3
                  Magnussen, B. (1981, January).
                  On the structure of turbulence and a generalized
                  eddy dissipation concept for chemical reaction in turbulent flow.
                  In 19th Aerospace Sciences Meeting (p. 42).
              Version v1996:
                  Changes coefficients exp1 = 2 and exp2 = 3
                  Gran, I. R., & Magnussen, B. F. (1996).
                  A numerical study of a bluff-body stabilized diffusion flame.
                  Part 2. Influence of combustion modeling and finite-rate chemistry.
                  Combustion Science and Technology, 119(1-6), 191-217.
              Version v2016:
                  Use local constants computed from the turbulent Da and Re numbers.
                  Parente, A., Malik, M. R., Contino, F., Cuoci, A., & Dally, B. B.
                  Extension of the Eddy Dissipation Concept for
                  turbulence/chemistry interactions to MILD combustion.
                  Fuel, 163, 98-111.
      Tutorials cases provided: reactingFoam/RAS/DLR_A_LTS, reactingFoam/RAS/SandiaD_LTS.
      This codes was developed and contributed by
          Zhiyi Li
          Alessandro Parente
          Francesco Contino
          from BURN Research Group
      and updated and tested for release by
          Henry G. Weller
          CFD Direct Ltd.
    • Henry Weller's avatar
    • Henry Weller's avatar
  10. Mar 16, 2017