- Jun 25, 2015
Henry Weller authored
Patches provided by Timm Severin Resolves bug-report http://www.openfoam.org/mantisbt/view.php?id=1764
Henry Weller authored
Henry Weller authored
Henry Weller authored
Henry Weller authored
to correspond to the phase dilatation rate.
Henry Weller authored
to support any number of phases
Henry Weller authored
to be phase-symmetric so that the results are independent of which phase-fraction is solved.
- Jun 24, 2015
Henry Weller authored
Henry Weller authored
Henry Weller authored
Henry Weller authored
//- Return the set of times selected based on the argList options // including support for \b -newTimes in which times are selected // if the file <fName> does not exist in the time directory. // Also set the runTime to the first instance or the // \c constant/ directory if no instances are specified or available static instantList select ( Time& runTime, const argList& args, const word& fName ); This is experimental functionality and currently on test in the yPlus post-processing utility.
- Jun 23, 2015
Henry Weller authored
Henry Weller authored
Henry Weller authored
to support laminar simulations in the new framework. Unfortunately this allows LES models to be instantiated although they are not compatible with steady-state simulations.
- Jun 19, 2015
Henry Weller authored
Select LTS via the ddtScheme: ddtSchemes { default localEuler rDeltaT; } The LTS algorithm is controlled with the standard settings in controlDict, e.g.: maxCo 0.5; maxDeltaT 2e-8; with the addition of the optional rDeltaT smoothing coefficient: rDeltaTSmoothingCoeff 0.02; which defaults to 0.02. For cases with reasonably uniform meshes like the forwardStep tutorial LTS does not provide much benefit but for cases with large variation in cell-size like the biconic25-55Run35 tutorial LTS provides significant speed-up to convergence particularly if started from uniform conditions.
- Jun 18, 2015
Henry Weller authored
Reverted changes proposed in http://openfoam.org/mantisbt/view.php?id=1548 as it adversely affects fixed-value BCs and is formulated to fix an issue with an unphysical case. Further analysis of the handling of fixed pressure outlet conditions as the Mach number approaches 1 is required.
- Jun 17, 2015
Henry Weller authored
Now consistent with the way the Courant number is calculated for other solvers
Henry Weller authored
Resolves bug-report http://www.openfoam.org/mantisbt/view.php?id=1748
- Jun 16, 2015
Henry Weller authored
Resolves bug-report http://www.openfoam.org/mantisbt/view.php?id=1749
Henry Weller authored
- Jun 15, 2015
Henry Weller authored
- Jun 12, 2015
Henry Weller authored
Multi-species, mass-transfer and reaction support and multi-phase structure provided by William Bainbridge. Integration of the latest p-U and face-p_U algorithms with William's multi-phase structure is not quite complete due to design incompatibilities which needs further development. However the integration of the functionality is complete. The results of the tutorials are not exactly the same for the twoPhaseEulerFoam and reactingTwoPhaseEulerFoam solvers but are very similar. Further analysis in needed to ensure these differences are physical or to resolve them; in the meantime the twoPhaseEulerFoam solver will be maintained.
Henry Weller authored
- Jun 07, 2015
Henry authored
twoPhaseEulerFoam/interfacialModels/heatTransferModels/sphericalHeatTransfer: new heat-transfer model Model which applies an analytical solution for heat transfer from the surface of a sphere to the fluid within the sphere. Provided by William Bainbridge
Henry authored
This is necessary to guarantee consistency between the residualAlpha used for drag and buoyancy in a multi-phase system
- Jun 03, 2015
Henry authored
Resolves bug-report http://openfoam.org/mantisbt/view.php?id=1730
- May 29, 2015
Henry authored
fvOptions does not have the appropriate structure to support MRF as it is based on option selection by user-specified fields whereas MRF MUST be applied to all velocity fields in the particular solver. A consequence of the particular design choices in fvOptions made it difficult to support MRF for multiphase and it is easier to support frame-related and field related options separately. Currently the MRF functionality provided supports only rotations but the structure will be generalized to support other frame motions including linear acceleration, SRF rotation and 6DoF which will be run-time selectable.
Henry authored
Henry authored
SIMPLEC (SIMPLE-consistent) is selected by setting "consistent" option true/yes: SIMPLE { nNonOrthogonalCorrectors 0; consistent yes; } which relaxes the pressure in a "consistent" manner and additional relaxation of the pressure is not generally necessary. In addition convergence of the p-U system is better and reliable with less aggressive relaxation of the momentum equation, e.g. for the motorbike tutorial: relaxationFactors { equations { U 0.9; k 0.7; omega 0.7; } } The cost per iteration is marginally higher but the convergence rate is better so the number of iterations can be reduced. The SIMPLEC algorithm also provides benefit for cases with large body-forces, e.g. SRF, see tutorials/incompressible/SRFSimpleFoam/mixer and feature request http://www.openfoam.org/mantisbt/view.php?id=1714
- May 28, 2015
Henry authored
Resolves second part of http://www.openfoam.org/mantisbt/view.php?id=1717
Henry authored
Resolves bug-report http://www.openfoam.org/mantisbt/view.php?id=1712
- May 26, 2015
Henry authored
mapFields: Reinstated mapFields from OpenFOAM-2.2.x and renamed the current mapFields -> mapFieldsPar This required the addition of the meshToMesh class in the sampling library from OpenFOAM-2.2.x which is now named meshToMesh0.
- May 22, 2015
Henry authored
streamFunction: Evaluate which coordinate plan the 2D geometry is in filter-out the normal component Resolves bug-report http://www.openfoam.org/mantisbt/view.php?id=1703
- May 19, 2015
Henry authored
- May 18, 2015
Henry authored
- May 17, 2015
Henry authored
- May 09, 2015
Henry authored
- May 08, 2015
Henry authored
If -rm is specified with the -processor option the selected time directories are removed from all the processor directories.
Henry authored
Henry authored
twoPhaseEulerFoam: Update only the fixed-value phi patch fields before constructing the pressure eqn Avoids small continuity error in parallel