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Snippets Groups Projects
  1. May 09, 2017
  2. Jun 12, 2017
  3. Jun 09, 2017
    • Andrew Heather's avatar
      TUT: Added min/max(p) function object · 132c0e71
      Andrew Heather authored
    • Andrew Heather's avatar
      ENH: Added new Joule Heating fvOption and test case · 2af8d388
      Andrew Heather authored
          Evolves an electrical potential equation
              \grad \left( \sigma \grad V \right)
          where \f$ V \f$ is electrical potential and \f$\sigma\f$ is the
          electrical current
          To provide a Joule heating contribution according to:
          Differential form of Joule heating - power per unit volume:
              \frac{d(P)}{d(V)} = J \cdot E
          where \f$ J \f$ is the current density and \f$ E \f$ the electric
          If no magnetic field is present:
              J = \sigma E
          The electric field given by
              E = \grad V
              \frac{d(P)}{d(V)} = J \cdot E
                                = (sigma E) \cdot E
                                = (sigma \grad V) \cdot \grad V
          Isotropic (scalar) electrical conductivity
              anisotropicElectricalConductivity no;
              // Optionally specify the conductivity as a function of
              // temperature
              // Note: if not supplied, this will be read from the time
              // directory
              sigma           table
                  (273        1e5)
                  (1000       1e5)
          Anisotropic (vectorial) electrical conductivity
              anisotropicElectricalConductivity yes;
                  type        cartesian;
                  origin      (0 0 0);
                      type        axesRotation;
                      e1          (1 0 0);
                      e3          (0 0 1);
              // Optionally specify sigma as a function of temperature
              //sigma           (31900 63800 127600);
              //sigma           table
              //    (0      (0 0 0))
              //    (1000   (127600 127600 127600))
              Property     | Description               | Required  | Default
              T            | Name of temperature field | no        | T
              sigma        | Electrical conductivity as a function of
      temperature |no|
              anisotropicElectricalConductivity | Anisotropic flag | yes |
          The electrical conductivity can be specified using either:
          - If the \c sigma entry is present the electrical conductivity is
            as a function of temperature using a Function1 type
          - If not present the sigma field will be read from file
          - If the anisotropicElectricalConductivity flag is set to 'true',
            should be specified as a vector quantity
  4. Jun 08, 2017
  5. Jun 07, 2017
  6. Jun 05, 2017
  7. Jun 02, 2017
  8. Jun 01, 2017
  9. May 31, 2017