- Jun 14, 2017
sergio authored
Correcting header in tabulatedNTUHeatTransfer from fileName to file
sergio authored
sergio authored
Fixing humidityTemperatureCoupled problem in parallel Adding Allrun-parallel to externalSolarLoad and windshieldCondensation tutorials
mattijs authored
commit 510b9353f8cb932a87f1588b17a4dea230c29d3c Author: mattijs <mattijs> Date: Wed Jun 14 16:36:35 2017 +0100 ENH: timeControl: propagate time-change logic from Time.C commit 6dc57a8f1e0e7605ea819deb6f11dd4b7874ff30 Author: mattijs <mattijs> Date: Thu Jun 1 11:28:56 2017 +0100 ENH: timeControl: cleanup; avoid division by zero commit 5ac4bc2dd8c1f4676eef9d7a03215caba23a2e19 Author: mattijs <mattijs> Date: Wed May 31 12:04:52 2017 +0100 ENH: timeControl: allow ramping down as well as up. commit a6b2db9e791f29258f04f3a9cbd6354aa468977d Author: mattijs <mattijs> Date: Wed May 17 15:29:22 2017 +0100 ENH: timeControl: limit any timestep change if deltaTCoeff enabled. commit 004115ee03a6637ae0d23cce303a30d1b3af046f Author: mattijs <mattijs> Date: Wed May 17 11:40:26 2017 +0100 ENH: setTimeStep: have timeStart, timeEnd controls on time step adjustment. Also added smoothly varying time step change (through optional deltaTCoeff)
sergio authored
sergio authored
mattijs authored
Andrew Heather authored
Feature paraview vtk See merge request !116
Mark OLESEN authored
Mark OLESEN authored
mattijs authored
mattijs authored
Mark OLESEN authored
- Requires (1L << N) instead of (1 << N), otherwise it overflows and the result is zero.
Mark OLESEN authored
mattijs authored
Mark OLESEN authored
mattijs authored
Adds overset discretisation to selected physics: - diffusion : overLaplacianDyMFoam - incompressible steady : overSimpleFoam - incompressible transient : overPimpleDyMFoam - compressible transient: overRhoPimpleDyMFoam - two-phase VOF: overInterDyMFoam The overset method chosen is a parallel, fully implicit implementation whereby the interpolation (from donor to acceptor) is inserted as an adapted discretisation on the donor cells, such that the resulting matrix can be solved using the standard linear solvers. Above solvers come with a set of tutorials, showing how to create and set-up simple simulations from scratch.
Mark OLESEN authored
mattijs authored
Mark OLESEN authored
- as per foamToEnsight, foamToEnsightParts. Allows the user to specify different output directories.
Mark OLESEN authored
Mark OLESEN authored
- this should not have been there in the first place
- Jun 13, 2017
Mark OLESEN authored
- user-selectable format (vtk or vtu, ascii or binary) - dictionary syntax closer to ensightWrite - tutorial example in windAroundBuildings
Mark OLESEN authored
- eliminates the PtrList requirement (more flexible)
Mark OLESEN authored
- eliminates the PtrList requirement (more flexible) COMP: use tmp intermediate for volPointInterpolation return value - gcc 4.8.5 had some weird issue of otherwise not binding a const-ref. (in foamVtkInternalWriterTemplates.C)
Mark OLESEN authored
Mark OLESEN authored
sergio authored
sergio authored
Mark OLESEN authored
- elminate the foamVtkFormatter operator() in favour of xmlAttr. Improves readability and the purpose is clearer.
Mark OLESEN authored
Mark OLESEN authored
Mark OLESEN authored
- Use on/off vs longer compressed/uncompressed. For consistency, replaced yes/no with on/off. - Avoid the combination of binary/compressed, which is disallowed and provokes a warning anyhow
- Jun 12, 2017
sergio authored
sergio authored
fanPressureFvPatchScalarField.H: Correcting header documentation RAS/TJunctionFan/0.orig: Creating tutorial for fanPressure Adding pRef and pValue for tutorial createZeroDirectory/snappyMultiRegionHeater
sergio authored
sergio authored
Adding intertial term switch to solarLoad chtMultiRegionFoam case
Mark OLESEN authored
Mark OLESEN authored
- By definition, binary STL uses float (not double) when reading. The ascii STL should be the same. This reduces memory overhead when loading files. The older triSurface reader had float, the surfMesh reader had double, but now has float. - Inconsistency in the STL merge-tolerances between triSurface reader, surfMesh reader and WM_SP vs WM_DP. Now use consistent tolerances conrresponding to 10,100 * doubleSMALL. - Similar float/double code adjustments for TRI format since this is very similar to the STL reader and had a similar inconsistency between the triSurface and surfMesh version. The AC3D reader still uses double when reading, but this can be revisited in the future (and can then remove the stichTriangles method too).
Mark OLESEN authored
- only treat text as an option if it is preceded by 0-4 spaces. This prevents the description of an option from being accidentally detected as an option.