- Jun 08, 2020
Mark OLESEN authored
sergio authored
sergio authored
Andrew Heather authored
Andrew Heather authored
DOC: Elaborate the usage of topoSet See merge request !361
TUT: add topoSet examples to pisoFoam/RAS/cavity tutorial BUG: fixes #1673
Andrew Heather authored
DOC: Elaborate the usage of function objects See merge request !348
ENH: update libs of etc/caseDicts/postProcess items ENH: ensure destructor=default ENH: ensure constness ENH: ensure no 'copy construct' and 'no copy assignment' exist TUT: add examples of function objects with full set of settings into a TUT if unavailable TUT: update pisoFoam/RAS/cavity tutorial in terms of usage
Andrew Heather authored
Adding PIMPLE option finalOnLastPimpleIterOnly See merge request !365
The PIMPLE option finalOnLastPimpleIterOnly allows the call the Final solver only in the last PIMPLE loop. The default is false which is the present behavior.
Mark OLESEN authored
Mark OLESEN authored
Mark OLESEN authored
- should pass onwards to other Allwmake scripts
Andrew Heather authored
Andrew Heather authored
Andrew Heather authored
Feature flexible install paths See merge request !366
Mark OLESEN authored
- When compiling additional modules or user code, we need more control for the installation locations beyond the usual FOAM_USER_LIBBIN, FOAM_SITE_LIBBIN, FOAM_LIBBIN, and wish to have these values be modifiable without editing files. - provide wmake rules for handling standard defaults: * GENERAL_RULES/module-path-user * GENERAL_RULES/module-path-group * GENERAL_RULES/module-path-project which are incorporated as follows: Make/options: include $(GENERAL_RULES)/module-path-user Make/files: LIB = $(FOAM_MODULE_LIBBIN)/libMyLibrary By default these would compile into FOAM_USER_{APPBIN,LIBBIN} but could be adjusted at compilation time. For example, ``` wmake -module-prefix=/path/my-install-location ``` Or ``` ./Allwmake -module-prefix=/path/my-install-location ./Allwmake -prefix=/path/my-install-location ``` Or ``` FOAM_MODULE_PREFIX=/path/my-install-location ./Allwmake ``` ENH: add -no-recursion option for AllwmakeParseArguments - more descriptive naming than the -fromWmake option (still supported) - remove wmake/scripts/wmake.{cmake,wmake}-args since the -prefix handling and -no-recursion is now directly handled by AllwmakeParseArguments
Mark OLESEN authored
Mark OLESEN authored
- now list compiler versions in reverse order (newest first) similar to how they are listed on the gcc/llvm sites. Add comments to mention which compiler series are now considered unsupported.
Andrew Heather authored
- Jun 05, 2020
Mark OLESEN authored
- one of the simplest test applications to run quickly and test
Mark OLESEN authored
Mark OLESEN authored
Mark OLESEN authored
- the CGAL version change is associated with a header-only build (needs updated ThirdParty scripts). - openmpi is a major version change (4.0.3)
Andrew Heather authored
ENH: Improve and verify atmBoundaryLayerInlet conditions See merge request !354
ENH: add generalised log-law type ground-normal inflow boundary conditions for wind velocity and turbulence quantities for homogeneous, two-dimensional, dry-air, equilibrium and neutral atmospheric boundary layer (ABL) modelling ENH: remove `zGround` entry, which is now automatically computed ENH: add `displacement height` entry, `d` ENH: add generalised atmBoundaryLayerInletOmega boundary condition ENH: add a verification case for atmBoundaryLayerInlet BCs DOC: improve atmBoundaryLayerInlet header documentation BUG: fix value-entry behaviour in atmBoundaryLayerInlet (fixes #1578) Without this change: - for serial-parallel computations, if `value` entry is available in an `atmBoundaryLayerInlet` BC, the theoretical ABL profile expressions are not computed, and the `value` entry content is used as a profile data - for parallel computations, if `value` entry is not available, `decomposePar` could not be executed. With this change: - assuming `value` entry is always be present, the use of `value` entry for the ABL profile specification is determined by a flag `initABL` - the default value of the optional flag `initABL` is `true`, but whenever `initABL=true` is executed, `initABL` is overwritten as `false` for the subsequent runs, so that `value` entry can be safely used. Thanks Per Jørgensen for the bug report. BUG: ensure atmBoundaryInlet conditions are Galilean-invariant (fixes #1692) Related references: The ground-normal profile expressions (tag:RH): Richards, P. J., & Hoxey, R. P. (1993). Appropriate boundary conditions for computational wind engineering models using the k-ε turbulence model. In Computational Wind Engineering 1 (pp. 145-153). DOI:10.1016/B978-0-444-81688-7.50018-8 Modifications to preserve the profiles downstream (tag:HW): Hargreaves, D. M., & Wright, N. G. (2007). On the use of the k–ε model in commercial CFD software to model the neutral atmospheric boundary layer. Journal of wind engineering and industrial aerodynamics, 95(5), 355-369. DOI:10.1016/j.jweia.2006.08.002 Expression generalisations to allow height variation for turbulence quantities (tag:YGCJ): Yang, Y., Gu, M., Chen, S., & Jin, X. (2009). New inflow boundary conditions for modelling the neutral equilibrium atmospheric boundary layer in computational wind engineering. J. of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, 97(2), 88-95. DOI:10.1016/j.jweia.2008.12.001 The generalised ground-normal profile expression for omega (tag:YGJ): Yang, Y., Gu, M., & Jin, X., (2009). New inflow boundary conditions for modelling the neutral equilibrium atmospheric boundary layer in SST k-ω model. In: The Seventh Asia-Pacific Conference on Wind Engineering, November 8-12, Taipei, Taiwan. Reproduced benchmark: Rectangular prism shown in FIG 1 of Hargreaves, D. M., & Wright, N. G. (2007). On the use of the k–ε model in commercial CFD software to model the neutral atmospheric boundary layer. Journal of wind engineering and industrial aerodynamics, 95(5), 355-369. DOI:10.1016/j.jweia.2006.08.002 Benchmark data: HW, 2007 FIG 6 TUT: update simpleFoam/turbineSiting tutorial accordingly
Andrew Heather authored
ENH: enable user to control re-writing of function object output file headers. See #1556 See merge request !360
Andrew Heather authored
ENH: Robust Iterative Eigendecomposition and Parallel Low-Memory Dynamic Mode Decomposition See merge request !353
STDMD (i.e. Streaming Total Dynamic Mode Decomposition) is a variant of a data-driven dimensionality reduction method. STDMD is being used as a mathematical post-processing tool to compute a set of dominant modes out of a given flow (or dataset) each of which is associated with a constant frequency and decay rate, so that dynamic features of a given flow may become interpretable, and tractable. Among other Dynamic Mode Decomposition (DMD) variants, STDMD is presumed to provide the general DMD method capabilities alongside economised and feasible memory and CPU usage. Please refer to the header file documentation for further details. ENH: add new STDMD tutorial, pimpleFoam/laminar/cylinder2D
ENH: add Test-EigenMatrix application The new iterative eigen decomposition functionality is derived from: Passalacqua et al.'s OpenQBMM (openqbmm.org/), which is mostly derived from JAMA (math.nist.gov/javanumerics/jama/).
ENH: return zero-valued matrix when input zero-valued matrix in pinv()
Mark OLESEN authored
ENH: strip {GMP,MPRF}_ARCH_PATH in make rules
Mark OLESEN authored
- update OpenQBMM to origin/openfoam.com - revert adios, visualization * changes inadvertently crept in recent commit
mattijs authored
mattijs authored
- Jun 04, 2020
Mark OLESEN authored
Mark OLESEN authored
- generates a vtk file in an ASCII, XML format (blockTopology.vtu). More information than the equivalent obj file since it includes connectivity, cell shapes and cell IDs (equivalent to the block numbers).
Mark OLESEN authored