Commits on Source (2)
Example using mean turbulence fields (mean fields should be available e.g. from a fieldAverage function object) proudmanAcousticPower1 { // Mandatory entries (unmodifiable) type proudmanAcousticPower; libs (fieldFunctionObjects); ... // Turbulence field names (if not retrieved from the turb model) k kMean; epsilon epsilonMean; omega none; // omegaMean }
5cba2690 -
Mark OLESEN authored
ENH: proudmanAcousticPower - extended to operate on mean turbulence fields See merge request !485
- src/functionObjects/field/proudmanAcousticPower/proudmanAcousticPower.C 90 additions, 19 deletions...jects/field/proudmanAcousticPower/proudmanAcousticPower.C
- src/functionObjects/field/proudmanAcousticPower/proudmanAcousticPower.H 24 additions, 2 deletions...jects/field/proudmanAcousticPower/proudmanAcousticPower.H