BUG: changeDictionary adds non-existing patches
changeDictionary should modify boundary file only if there exists any patch/patchGroup etc...
Site will likely be offline for maintenance 27/28 March - more details soon
changeDictionary should modify boundary file only if there exists any patch/patchGroup etc...
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This issue is predominately seen in v3.0+ when SHM removed zero sized patches, and changeDictionary re-introduces them with missing entries for "startFace" and "nFaces"!
So we do not want changeDictionary to be able to add patches? Just making sure. Guess that createPatches is the tool for that.
Attached a version that does not add to the boundary file.
It works.
A warning would help.
mentioned in commit 6e57fdeb3e1a19512e39024c4c092d866ab6c3c4
Status changed to closed