BUG: nutLowReWallFunction: missing turbulent viscosity in yPlus func
computes y^+
by (nutLowReWallFunctionFvPatchScalarField.C#L123):
y^+ = \frac{ y \sqrt{\nu_w |\textbf{u}|_\textbf{n} } }{ \nu_w }
The generalisation of y^+
computation (see yPlus.C#L153) requires the \nu_w
in the numerator to be replaced by the effective viscosity on patch (fluid viscosity + turbulent viscosity):
y^+ = \frac{ y \sqrt{\nu_{eff} |\textbf{u}|_\textbf{n} } }{ \nu_w }
Although effects of turbulent viscosity in the lower part of the viscous sublayer can be neglected, this simplification starts to break down towards the buffer layer.
Environment information
- OpenFOAM version : all supported versions