Is Foam::multiphaseMixture::surfaceTensionForce() depends on phase order in transportProperties?
I am debugging multiphaseInterFoam solver to understand the underlying physics. However, it is observed that the order of phases in constant/transportProperties.phases
affects the accurate calculation of surface tension force (Foam::multiphaseMixture::surfaceTensionForce()
In spite of having contact angle boundary defined for air phase [alpha.air] with original tutorial, the if(isA<alphaContactAngleFvPatchScalarField>(gbf[patchi]))
condition in Foam::multiphaseMixture::correctContactAngle()
[ multiphaseMixture.C L:426] is always false.
Further, if the air
phase defined first in constant/transportProperties.phases then Foam::multiphaseMixture::correctContactAngle() works as expected see attachment damBreak4phaseModifiedCase.
The effect of accurate calculation of surface tension force considering the contact angle might be very small. However, I would like to know if this behavior is as per the design of the multiphaseInterFoam solver and is as expected or there is scope for improvement?